I am still emotional about this event and wish to share as I'm hoping it will be therapeutic. I've gone back and forth and decided to put it out there.
As we all know the Raptors won the NBA title last week and had their parade on Monday. I'm not a huge basketball guy myself but my brother is a big time Raps fan. He insisted I go to the parade with him. I made him promise if I did this he would attend the Sabres parade when they won. Agreed.
We decided to watch at Nathan Phillips Square as this was the end of the parade route and they anticipated having a rally where the players give speeches at this location from approximately 12:30-1:30.
My brother and I get to Nathan Phillips Square at 9:15 and are standing probably two thirds of the way at the back, along the east side. Well as the day rolls on it's getting hotter and hotter and more and more crowded. By 3 o'clock the parade has still not reached Nathan Phillips Square because they didn't allow for a wide enough pathway. Guess it shows Toronto hasn't hosted a major parade since Joe Carter's shot in '93.
Anyways they finally arrived just before 4pm. We heard the announcement of each of the players and give a nice cheer. As some know I'm still battling a health issue myself but I barely notice it or the fact we have stood in sweaty close quarters waiting for this moment for nearly 7 straight hours.
I hear a pop pop pop. They had been lighting homemade fireworks all day but this sounded a little different. Then about a minute later the crowd starts pushing each other and starting to freak out. I haven't been in a mosh pit in years but here we are with 100,000 strangers and nobody has a clue what is going on. People start running; hell I was terrified. I looked up and all I could see was apartment and office buildings and everyone out standing on their balconies taking in the parade while police in our area were yelling at everyone to get down. My first thought was of the Vegas shooting. If the shooter was up in any of those towers we are sitting ducks. You don't know what is happening at this point in time.
My brother and I (along with so many others) ran as fast as we could (which is difficult for me right now). It was a full out stampede of people. Some pushing their way past, with most stopping to help but several being knocked to the ground. I'm not patting myself on the back because anyone WOULD have done it but I saw a young boy, maybe 7 or so trip on the curb and fall. A dad had been running with his maybe 7 and 9 year olds. I stopped to pick the boy up and I looked in the dad's eyes. I'll never forget the look in that man's eyes until the day I die. I just yelled at him to get them somewhere safe and kept running. It was one of those surreal slow motion moments you experience as it's happening even though it's over in a second. If that makes any sense? I flew down York Street. Lots of people around there catching their breath and then out of nowhere everyone started running again. It was surreal. Thank God or whatever you believe in that it was not some terrorist attack or mass shooting. I sure know the people in that back east section near the shooting had no idea what was happening for a good 20 to 30 minutes.
I cried, I laughed and damn well hugged my wife and kids hard Monday night. Between my other issue and this experience, just live life guys. Family, friends, happiness. That's what really matters. I don't want this post to get political but how any government would allow guns outside of hunting rifles is beyond me.
I don't know how much coverage was given to this down in the states as I think the City of Toronto and NBA may not want to draw too much attention. I'm telling you it was chaos and a horrific experience for those that thought this could be something more than an isolated incident. For those interested I've included a couple of articles. To add the small insult to it all, even without the pure panic of the shooting we still essentially missed everything to do with the parade and rally after waiting in the hot sun for 7 straight hours.
Once again, thank you all for engaging in some good Sabres discussion. Takes my mind off 'real life' stuff right now.