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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Wildcard, you, pi2000, north buffalo, JSB, NorCal, true blue, wyldnwoody, SDS Theres a team called clownshoes and waratahs whom I’m not sure.
  2. I only have access via the app and I don’t see where the option would be. I’m terribly sorry. I could either set the draft with who we have in the league and just go from there or you may have to start a new one. Do we know if anyone said they were out?
  3. I’m sorry man, I looked through the league settings and don’t see where I’m able to transfer the league. If I knew everyone was in that were last year I’m ok to set up the draft and keep my team. Did we have anyone say they’re out?
  4. Thanks buddy. I really wish this wasn’t the case. Back in ER right now. I’ll check out later how I can go about this.
  5. I’m really sorry guys but my health has really flared up again negatively. Could someone else please take over running this league? I’m sorry, I just don’t have the energy for anything else.
  6. When are you back wildcard? It’s usually not until a day or two before the season
  7. Sounds like we’re running a season. As per past years - if you were in last season you have first opportunity. Please let me know ASAP if you are back in again or not. If I haven’t heard by August 12 I will assume you are out and will move to top of the wait list. Thanks all.
  8. Yes was wondering if I should set this up again or not.
  9. Two Canadian cities is not very surprising due to Covid.
  10. It’s lottery protected though I believe.
  11. So question. Why didn’t the nhl wait until after their play in rounds before having the lottery? Like why did it have to be now with the possibility of this scenario playing out? What was the harm in waiting until if/when they had completed this?
  12. I’m already quoting you right now. No take backs!
  13. So what happens if league can’t continue season due to Covid?
  14. So now I have to cheer for the leafs because they could easily end up with first overall if they loose play in round? Man I’m almost done with the nhl.
  15. Seriously. Only the nhl comes up with stuff. Sabre don’t deserve anything better but it really does feel like they’re getting shafted twice here.
  16. Funny my wife and I have discussed this recently. There are going to be so many far reaching effects and unintended consequences of this pandemic including the next couple of draft years being subpar as their not getting the same training and level of competition as previous cohorts.
  17. Loved listening to his wgr segments during those 2005-2007 years especially. Sad day. His voice just reminds me of the Sabres and has for so long.
  18. How can one blame a government for downplaying the virus when ones own president is doing the EXACT same thing? Six key days? Ask New York what 6 key days would of bought them.
  19. The stock market is very irrational right now. There are over 20 million unemployed Americans. 20. Million. Stock market still rebounds. FOMO is running wild right now. Didn’t watch the presser but I feel so bad for Dr. Fauci, the pressure he is under. Trump needs the economy to recover prior to elections and he needs Fauci to flaunt any hope out there.
  20. The longer this continues and the more stories I read (and unfortunately friends/family/people I talk too) the more this frightens me in society. Seriously, I’ve never been this concerned before but it’s getting scary. I just took for granted the amount of common sense people had......
  21. Yep, completely agree. So angry reading through a couple articles on it.
  22. Wow. Couldn’t believe it after his daily pressers telling everyone to stay home and not visit family or friends. Unbelievable.......
  23. Keep safe buddy.
  24. Ya I didn’t want to post about the mask issue in case it got political but JFC. It’s unreal. Canada and the US have been allies throughout the vast majority of our histories. Fought along side each other in several wars and this is what Trump does first chance he gets? I’m proud Canadian but love my American friends. We have similar cultures and I have some good friends south of the boarder (including Sabrespace). We need to help each other and get through this together.
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