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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. If he's right. Out of curiosity what has he nailed before?
  2. I'm glad to hear the draft is deeper then I had read about. I trust your scouting info so ok. But the heart inflammation due to Covid has to be a concern doesn't it? Is there proof out there that he's training and playing at a professional level? There are still many unknowns with Covid and what it can do. If I'm trading my franchise player I need to get back more then a hope and a prayer.
  3. Is that all we're getting for Jack friggen Eichel? A guy who the Sabres passed on and has a serious injury concern and late first in a terrible draft?
  4. Here I thought I was important 😞 I am feeling better then I was last year and would be open to running again. Having said that, it may be a bigger hassle then it’s worth transferring it back? Feel free to continue running SDS if you are up for it. Also, thanks for asking Hank. I really appreciate that.
  5. I would be looking for quality versus quantity. Give me Zegras and 3OA and I'm good.
  6. Is Borgen and Risto worth Faber, 49 and Miller or Girgs?
  7. That is who I want. Matthews, Marner, Tavares and Nylander get all of the accolades but that guy is the heart and soul of their team. Always engaged and has some underrated skill.
  8. Within the next 24 hours do you think? Or that day or two window after expansion draft but before entry draft?
  9. How long until the roster freeze again? If a trade is happening before the expansion draft are we thinking today/tomorrow type of thing?
  10. Sabres still have all of the leverage.
  11. Every time I see Brawndo posts in this thread my heart skips a beat. Cup has now been awarded. If a deal 95% close to complete, and they were pretty much waiting so as not to steal attention from the finals, how long until it gets completed? This weekend?
  12. I've drank that kool-aid before. I'm not getting too excited until I see real improvement under this management. People were saying the same things when Nightingale was hired in....gulp.....2013. Since then it appears we haven't given two shits about analytics. I'll believe it when I see it......
  13. Good. I don't know if Nightingale is just ***** at his job or Sabres GM's of the day didn't listen to his advise. Either way I am more then fine with bringing in a new analytics guru. Sabres were simply not getting results under Nightingale. It was beyond time for a change there.
  14. If you’re looking for any reading material: Toxic by Dr. Neil Nathan is a fantastic read.
  15. Not even. Unfortunately I have the HLA-DR gene which makes it so I have problems methylating toxins. Been accumulating in my tissues for years.
  16. Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. It’s a debilitating illness. I otherwise live a great life with a wife and 2 boys. But I was absolutely suicidal when at my worst. The pain is so bad it’s difficult to describe. Again, personally I’m glad to be on the right path and it appears Mr. Toews is as well. IMO this is a massively under diagnosed condition because the medical research is just starting to fully understand now the impacts mycotoxins have on human health. The majority of the medical journals and research is within the past 5 years.
  17. Yes. Fibro isn’t an actual illness but a term you are given when you have multi-system inflammation but they don’t know the underlying cause. My diagnosis started with that but you have to find the underlying cause. In my case it was CIRS aka mycotoxin illness. I urge anyone with unexplained joint pain, headaches, brain fog, anxiety etc. to look into CIRS as a potential cause. One of the hallmark traits is electric shocks. I was getting electric shock type feeling through my face and buzzing feeling in my feet and hands. Treatment for CIRS can take months to 2 years to be back feeling yourself. I thank God that we finally identified the underlying cause and I’m on the path to healing. Many with Fibro actually have CIRS as the underlying condition. There is testing now available.
  18. I’m starting to warm up to meatballs
  19. As someone suffering from CIRS myself, this sure hits home. Good luck Mr. Towes, it is a difficult illness to battle but there is hope with the right treatment. Glad to read he’s back on the ice and hopefully this announcement will bring more awareness and research into CIRS.
  20. Then Jack remains a Buffalo Sabre. He doesn't want to play? Too bad he has 5 more seasons left on his contract. He can bitch and moan all he wants. The Sabres have all of the leverage here. The only way they trade him under these conditions is if they truly see a high probability he will never recover from this injury.
  21. The reality may also mean don’t believe everything you read in the media. Teams have an incentive to say one thing publicly and then do another. This is Jack freaking Eichel. I know there is the injury issue but there’s also a decent chance in 6 months he’s back to being a top 10 nhl player. It would be absurd to trade him for that Columbus package. We CANNOT have another ROR trade. That will set this franchise back years…
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