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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. So was anyone at practice this morning? Any writeups on what drills went down and who looked good?
  2. Huh, didn't know mini-pack holders had different times based on seniorty. Pretty good idea actually and you're right, I would think 9am would have been the earliest. This is only my second year of buying a mini-pak, up until the start of last year I would only go to two or three a year. I guess the good thing about me being cheap (actually I also prefer it up there) I usually only sit in the 300. Usually no risk of sellout when I buy them at the start of the year, I just try for the closest to the front of the 300 as I can. Row 2 for the game against the Leafs later this year and within the first 5 rows in the corner for all 4 games!
  3. Thanks for all of the updates on here guys! If anyone has a video of the game it would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I'm loving the potential of Grigs/Leino/Ott. I think if the Sabres plan is mainly to roll 3 lines and use the 4th line as a specialty unit then it is worth having Grigs up in the lineup this season. Third line may take some pressure off of him and I absolutley love that Ott is on the kids line. From the sounds of Ott's game he'll keep the attention away from Grigs and not allow any funny business when the young gun is on the ice. Maybe Grigs will even make Leino a better player and not have that huge cap hit sticking out like a sore thumb.
  4. Good information, thanks for that.
  5. Sorry man, sounds like you got jobbed. If it makes you feel any better (which I'm sure it doesn't) it was a nightmare on Sunday for Sabres mini-pak holders trying to select their new games. First the link I received in my email didn't work so I was on hold with customer service for 15 minutes. Then once I got in and selected all of my games it said you had to type in your credit card (which is fine because they won't charge it if you have a credit). But there was a glitch in their system and it just came up saying my credit card was already in their system and please enter a new credit card. Which is a problem when you couldn't change the name of the account holder on the credit card and I only own one credit card. So another 24 mintues later on hold again I finally spoke to someone and manually told him the games and seats that I wanted. He said the credit card thing was a technical problem they were trying to sort out. I started trying to get the tickets when they immidiately went on sale at 11am and finally got off the phone with a rep and completed my order at nearly 1pm.
  6. That's beautiful, thanks alot!
  7. Wow, finally got my tickets. Guy said they were working with someone at tickets.com trying to fix that glitch. Feels kind of nice ordering tickets for 4 games and the guy CREDITING my visa $750 at the end of it!
  8. Wow, now my page timed out and I lost all my info. What a nightmare of a system. Ya but when you put in that info it comes up and says 'error your credit card information is already in the system' and doesn't let you proceed. It's a technical error on their part.
  9. Hey thanks alot for that, I finally got through and they sent me a new link. Now I'm on hold again regarding this credit card already exists business. Been on hold awhile....
  10. Hey i'm a mini-pak holder and I was sent my email about buying tickets today however my link doesn't work to take advantage. Can someone please copy and paste that link in here as ofcourse most of the offices are closed today at the arena. This would be greatly appreciated!!
  11. Any idea when information will be released about our schedule? It was suppose to be today, I"m surprised we haven't seen anything yet.
  12. Hmmmm, I haven't got my email yet. Thanks for the post.
  13. Anytime the Sabres want to send that email, that would be great.....
  14. Really?! Not sure they're handling this well. I know they have to wait for everything to be rattified blah blah blah, a simple email saying they would get info to me asap would have been much better. Atleast outline how many tickets we have to buy. I keep checking my email but nothing yet.
  15. Only 4 eh? Nice, I thought I was going to have to buy 5 again.
  16. Man, still sucks that every team in the NHL except us and San Jose get to open on the Saturday....
  17. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of trades go down on Saturday/Sunday. I would think GM's around the league are talking now and prosposing deals that can only be finalized once the new CBA is ratified this weekend.
  18. :blink: I'lll believe it when I see it. Although I completely agree with you, all of these guys would have to clear waivers to go back to Rochester. I don't think any of them would clear is the problem and you're not going to sit 3 guys in the press box each night (can you even have 3 extra, can't remember the max number). Therefore we're going to have to make a trade.
  19. There has to be a major trade comming (which I already assumed as Brennan would never clear waivers) because we have wayyyyy to many d-men.
  20. Prohockey talk is saying five games..... http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/09/teams-will-have-five-games-to-make-decision-on-junior-players/
  21. I'm wondering if it's because he DIDN'T want to go after Luongo. His entire tenure he has stated that he despises the long term, front loaded contracts. Must say, he's stuck to his guns in his belief and never signed one during his tenure in T.O. Maybe some of the higher ups wanted Booby Loo but Burke held firm in his belief of not having those types of contracts on his books.
  22. So I guess if Grigorenko makes the team then Ott is the guy to slide over to wing?
  23. Not sure if this has been posted in another thread but TSN has their Season Preview's up. Here's the Sabres: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/feature/?id=79366
  24. I wonder how Mini-Pak tickets will work. Will there be a minimum of 5 games you have to re select?
  25. Welcome back all.....
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