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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Sorry if this has been answered but if Florida loses this series do we know the spot of our third 1st? Would it be pick 28 (last 4 reserved for conference finalists)?
  2. Just for discussion sake. If Sabres wanted to trade up with 9 and 16 to get onto the top 5 would it be worth it and/or possible?
  3. Anyone know if you can get Ahl streaming packages in Canada? What was the cost? Something like $16 for the entire playoffs or something? Probably worth it for that price.
  4. Yup! We were the ones with Krebs pasted over that hideous eichel hahahah
  5. Hopefully this link works. Derrico clan at Amerks game. https://imgur.com/a/sBtQDvj
  6. Darn. No I was rocking my blue Dahlin jersey (no glasses), wife had on a blue Eichel (which we tapped a paper 'Krebs' nameplate over), one son had a 50th anniversary gold Dahlin jersey and littlest guy had a blue Eichel (which we also tapped a 'Krebs' over haha). It's amazing how Sabres fans all find each other when out. Two minutes leaving our car in the parking lot someone comes up to us saying how he's a big Sabres fan too and should have wore his Ryan Miller jersey. We met several other fans with Sabres jerseys throughout the night. @Flashsabre - you didn't come up to me and say hello at the second intermission did you? Someone wearing a white Sabres jersey did just to say they noticed we all had our Sabres gear on. I got thinking after if that was you or not? Belleville arena staff were good enough to take a nice photo of the four of us (I'll see if I can figure out how to post) while the Amerks were warming up pregame. I had a nice conversation with Quinn's grandfather at the intermission right before OT (his grandparents sat right beside us and mom and step dad right in front). They're from Compton Ontario and went to all of his games when he played at Ottawa but not as many now in Roch. His mom and step dad seem nice as well. Really seem like good people. Especially his grandfather, reminds me of my late and great. Having said that, I thought Jack's game overall wasn't the greatest from my vantage point (but keep in mind I was running to the bathroom with the kids and/or up buying them pretzels and nachos all night so I did miss parts of the game). Anyways, was a great night overall. Especially with the good guys winning. I'll definitely make note when Rochester is on the calendar coming to Belleville next year and make a point of going. As someone already suggested, I may have to ask for some Roch swag for Christmas this year!
  7. I was blasting this song on my walk out of the arena and through the parking lot last night.
  8. Through 2 periods Krebs looks intense. One of the best players on the ice for either team. Wish he would shoot more but his vision is still on display. Dell has looked very solid. Shots are what they are but game looks pretty even from here. Keep in mind I’m 4 beers deep and my kids are bouncing off the walls after the sugar rush from their pops. Either way it’s been a great time and a decent number of Sabres jerseys around. Quinn step dad right in front of us and grandparents beside is pretty cool. Seem like good but ppl. Not many up and cheering when Amerks scored but we sure were. My youngest even booing their mascot. That’s my boy lol
  9. 3-1 Amerks. Let’s hold on one more period and win this thing!!
  10. Well I got my ‘rally towel’ walking in and Belleville staff said we can use it to cry our tears off. Let’s Go Buffalo!! Errrr I mean Amerks!! Got a nice picture of us in front of warmups. Will see if my tech skills can figure out to add it later. Ok just found out I’m sitting beside Jack Quinn’s grandparents!!!! Will get that pic up too when I can. Yes I’m a fan boy lol
  11. I have 99.99% confidence they will win tonight. But just in case, I picked up 2 more tickets for Sundays game. Lets Go Amerks!!!
  12. To your point, I remember hearing last year that 2022 was suppose to be a pretty good draft.
  13. This is the draft guru I was waiting to hear from. Assuming we pick 9 and 16, what does the draft look like in the middle of the first this year? Avg. draft? Good/poor depth?
  14. I’ll be there to closer out on Friday boys. Let’s Go Amerks!!
  15. Just bought my tickets for Friday! Taking my wife and boys. Sitting in the end Roch shoots twice and we will all be rocking our Sabres jerseys!!
  16. Wow they actually made it?!?! We live maybe 20 min outside Belleville. I haven’t been to a game yet but if the Americans end up playing there round 1 I may have to get some tickets.
  17. This is a pissing on Eichel thread. To anyone who does not abide by the above
  18. Agreed. As a Sabres fan living in Ontario I would so much rather go to Buffalo. I’ve rarely had any long delays or issues at fort erie bridge crossing. Queenston / Lewiston is a nightmare and I haven’t had much luck the few times I’ve crossed at the rainbow bridge either. I love the fact we can cross the border at fort Erie and it’s literally a 7 minute drive to the downtown/hotels/arena from the border.
  19. Hey! Your forgetting about the beer shelf installed at the urinals!!!
  20. What’s pathetic is how this organization can come this close to ruining one of the best hockey markets in the league. The Sabres have literally a historic record now of missing the playoffs and you want to blame the fans? This avg is from the entire season especially the first few months when they were icing on paper one of the worst teams ever and a league low payroll. Now that the team is finding itself I’ve already noticed the place looks more full on tv. Personally, I’m hoping covid continues to become a thing of the past and I can easily cross the border and take my family to the usual 3-5 games per year. Winning is what will bring fans back and that’s on the Sabres. Luckily it looks like they’re finally on the right track….
  21. Just another example of why organizations should always draft bpa. Nobody knows where the organization will be in 3-5 years when they’re ready to make the team.
  22. Yep. He is a legitimate number one centre. I thought we were getting a nice scoring winger with a wicked shot. But watch his all around game. His ability to stick handle and retrieve pucks in tight spaces along the boards has been excellent. I haven’t noticed him being a complete liability in the defensive zone either. A C spine potential of Thompson on top line and Krebs? Mitts?, Cozens taking two of the next three slots could work out. As Liger says, adding JJ and Quinn at the wings next year should also really help those C. I’ve been fooled before but I love the new looking core. That’s all just forwards too. Power, Dahlin, Mule and Joker on D? I’m excited for next year already. Add a legit goalie this off-season and LFG!
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