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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Hahhahaha, again good advice. My wife blew up on me this morning twice for things which seemed like minor issues. I am getting the flash backs of a couple of years ago and have to remind myself to keep my trap shut and do everything she pleases.
  2. Thanks Freeman. Any advice would be great at this point as I'm freaking out a bit. We have to get him use to an actual bed within the next couple of months as well since we will need his crib.
  3. So I walked into the bathroom this morning and my wife asks if I could grab her toothpaste from the counter. There sits the little stick with 2 lines. Looks like the crazy, fun, emotional, watch closely what I say, lack of sleep, excitement will be happening a second time. She's only two or three weeks pregnant and I know you are suppose to wait 3 months to say anything but I don't know any of you personally so thought I would share. The feeling will never replicate the first time your wife is pregnant with your first child but I'm still on Cloud 9 right now. Let's hope the next 9 (and specifically 3) months go well with no complications or issues. We're heading up to Buffalo tomorrow morning for the leafs/sabres game so no pre-drinking for her haha. Should be an even better weekend now. By the way, my one and a half year old son still points to the leaf symbol and says bahhhoo for boooo so it's the first time he can put it to good use on Saturday.
  4. God I had so much hair back then....
  5. I was going to go on a long rant about lazy coworkers but after reading Shrader's complaints mine now just seems trivial. Good luck this weekend bud, I know how those can go.
  6. You play to win the game. Don't be upset your down 11-2.
  7. Two gems in a row. Nice guys.
  8. We are a ways away from that PI. You keep fighting until we mathematically take home the shart and party like it's 2005 :beer: :beer:
  9. Let them develop in the minor leagues where most of them should be and let the tank roll on. For once can we not get the cake and eat it too? Liger, as a guy I know keeps close tabs on the minor leagues and knowledgable on the draft you have to realize what a top 2 pick will do for this franchise and how it will help the prospects we already have.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to write these updates taro, I look forward to them Hahahha. Strange scheduling anomaly that Florida has only played 12 games so far.
  11. Ya I know but I just think that other than a wicked shot they are so much different in almost every other aspect.
  12. For those in ontario the subway super series is on sportsnet right now. Reinhart is the captain for whl and from the bit I saw he looks pretty good. 3 min left in the second and game is tied at 1.
  13. Carolina scores and now trails 4 1 to Calgary with 12 min left. As nice as a 1 point game would be I really want a Carolina loss here. Calgary looks like they don't even belong in the chl so far.
  14. I know and as I said I agree with most of tanks posts but even mentioning a point like that just gives ammunition to anti tankers.
  15. Just the third time I've hit the century mark all year and it's not enough. Good luck the rest of the way.
  16. Tank is usually on the money with the pro tank talk but he dropped the ball on this one. In no way other than their nationalities is kessel comparable to eichel. Maybe the fact they can both shoot too. Eichels defensive awareness, speed and physicality are vastly superior to kessel. It's a horrible comparison really.
  17. Two chl teams who have gone ice cold lately on the docket tonight. The flames have been terrible early on in the season and Carolina has gained one point over their last five games.
  18. First place a month into the season. Not bad for a rook.
  19. Excellent.
  20. And that's what all of our cap space, extra draft picks and prospects are there for. Once you get your franchise guy it's much easier to figure everything else out.
  21. Nice, these things make me feel better. Our numbers over the last 7 must be much better than the first 7 or however many we've played I would think though.
  22. I'm not sure about your point saying we're the worst team and it's not even close. Maybe five or six games ago I would have agreed but we are playing much better lately. We easily could have won that game last night IMO. I just wish the sabres would create some separation from the bottom of the pack so I won't be so pissed if they pick up meaningless points. I do like your point on roster changes. Also keep in mind that the injury bug hasn't hit us like it has with some of the other bottom feeders. Imagine losing Ennis and Myers to long term injury. To fla: the tank talk has been hashed to great lengths at this point. Either you agree the long term benefit to the team is losing this year (in which it is obvious we are not making the playoffs) and getting a guy pegged as a franchise player or you feel winning now will help the development of our current players / you already can't take it anymore. I firmly believe we need to continue the course and after this meaningless season we can enjoy sitting at the edge of our seats watching a potential superstar for the next decade. Neither side of the coin is wrong and nobody else can make that decision for you.
  23. Zona with the ot loss
  24. Hahhahaha, I piece together every week. Should be a close one I would think. For me to even dream of playoffs I have to have this one.
  25. It helps West did something for me last night. I usually get an ok day from Forsett and next to nothing from whoever else gets put in the RB slot. Not to mention I've had to play Floyd most weeks and he's absolutely horrendous. I just can't find a better replacement. My only legit threat week in and week out is Demaryius.
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