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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Well if I end up back out that way I'm taking you up on that offer.
  2. Don't know how I missed you. :lol:
  3. Wow, scary stuff. Good to hear you're ok.
  4. Oh come on, we all know the best class was 2006: Derrico X Benedict 26ConerBlitz (RIP) Bulge thesportsbuff millbank Rob drnkirishone And that's just a quick skim ok that's definitely not the best class
  5. Hey, how come you didn't set me up when I was out there :P
  6. Weather is suppose to be sunny both Saturday and Sunday with avg temp of 25 and 26 degrees (77 and 79 for you yanks :flirt: ). We've got passes to go to a waterpark on Sunday and I think Saturday calls for a day at the beach followed by a BBQ and campfire. Life is good :beer:
  7. After looking into a company out in Orangeville ON, it looks like the average cost to install Geothermal heat is about $25,000. Seeing as my furnace and A/C cost will be about $6,000 I'm not sure the additional $19,000 will be worth it. If it cut my gas/electric costs in half then that would be about $100 to $150 per month in savings. So we're talking atleast 10 years before those costs are recouped even going on $150 per month savings. Not sure it's worth it for me in my situation. I'm all about going 'green' where possible but only if it makes sense financially. A year ago I was close to having solar panels installed on my roof to help with energy costs but again, the upfront installation costs make it prohibitive and a bad investment for me. Everyone is different and have different goals though.
  8. Interesting, I just assumed the initial cost wouldn't be worth it I guess. Maybe I should have considered it more. Anyways, good luck with the work load.
  9. So our house was built in the 70's and fairly cheaply made. My wife loves the house and it's a great neighbourhood so we're going to stick it out but some of these reno costs are really starting to add up. After having the hottest summer since we moved in 5 years ago it's finally time to install air conditioning. Problem is the house heats off electric baseboards (they are damn expensive to run too). So I finally decided to spend the $20,000 and have a professional install the duct work, furnace and a/c. My complaint is not just the cash but I have to tear out all of my two lower level ceilings to fit the ducts. it's a messy job. I've covered most of the larger crap with plastic sheets but I was too lazy to move my tv and surround sound. Now I'm just praying it's covered enough and all of the dust didn't get in and screw up the speakers or anything. They install duct work/furnace/ac next week and then re-drywall the ceilings and box in the duct work the week after labour day. This next month can't go by fast enough......
  10. Do they really have Karabacek above Bailey?!
  11. :lol:
  12. I added a storyline to our league......I saw last years results Ink.....not good :P
  13. Awesome. Everyone has now responded and the league is full unfortunately. Neo, Deluca and Stenbro will be contacted if there are any changes. Good luck to a good year everyone and we will see you at the draft on August 31, 10pm.
  14. August 31 works. Once Qwk (Immerman) logs in I will set the draft date and time for Monday August 31 at 10pm.
  15. That is correct, ur next on the list but I believe I've heard back from all that is in. I will pm you if anything comes up. 10 is fine.
  16. Boom. +1 Agreed. You mods are doing a fine job keeping this community what it is.
  17. I'm thinking maybe August 31 or September 2? Around 930 or 10 o'clock?
  18. Sounds good. I think last year we had it on a week night around 930 or so. That way anyone working days will be home and anyone with kids will have them in bed. Once it gets a bit closer I'll throw out some specific dates.
  19. So Labatt is out for this year. Qwk had messaged first looking to join so he is in. I'll PM you the details to join the league. Also, Wildcard, are you having trouble joining as I don't think you're in yet? For rule changes, it appears the majority is against the keeper at this point. So for this season we will continue with just a seasonal league. It is now a full PPR league and QB TD's are worth 6. The NFL season starts one month today. Any potential draft dates to throw out there? I've found in the past that week nights usually work out the best. I'm thinking late August or start of September.
  20. It's been a long time coming. Great to hear Bio and good luck on Monday.
  21. You're in. What was you're team name?
  22. Fair enough. I think we've got all the rules down. It's now just a matter of seeing who is still in and picking a draft date. Those that confirmed they are back Derrico Inkman Dennis JJ TBP Wildcard Juju - Are you still in? Have not heard from these owners: Murray's Rats Glass's Group of Grumpy... Labatt Blue Waratahs I've Got Woody If the guys listed above still want in then let me know asap. Wait list includes Qwk Neo DeLuca
  23. I'm on the fence as well. The you MUST keep a player makes things interesting as well because it forces you to draft well a bit. If your best player tears ACL then you just have to keep your second best. I donno....positives about both.
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