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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. JB Brubaker from August Burns Red disagrees. There are some insaine guitarists in metal right now, partucularly mathcore.
  2. Id say Journey but honestly at this point in my life, I like what I like no guilt needed lol.
  3. Defenseman whisperer.. I like it. Maybe Housley?
  4. Skillet, Avenged Sevenfold and Guns N Roses are my favorite bands. And Journey.
  5. I'm interested to see how he'll play under a new coach, not ready to give up on him yet.
  6. 50 percent turnover my goodness lol.
  7. Ah okay thanks that makes more sense then. Going to listen to it now..
  8. I finally got to see the press conference, it's on the official Sabres website now. JB looked and sounded great, only time he seemed uncomfortable imo was when asked about if tpegs will be involved in the HC hiring process. He answered it fine just seemed uneasy. I'm really excited with this new direction. I didn't hear Sam mentioned at all so not sure where others are getting the wing comments from. Unless I missed a portion.
  9. When hosting a social event, it's safe to serve it. Just as playing SMB, hence everyone "likes" it.
  10. You said it yourself, generally unobjectable. It is the Coors light of misic; no one loves it, but no one hates it either.
  11. JB.
  12. I would imagine that it would be hard to find someone who doesn't like Steve Miller Band.
  13. My avatar does not approve of this thread.
  14. Nice thanks man. Hope he shares his vision and some tidbits on what direction he wants to go.
  15. Exactly, not as if we're talking about a blue collar guy missing a mortgage payment or something. He's richer than most of us I would certainly imagine.
  16. Is there going to be a press conference still?
  17. Battling bamboo creeping into my yard from next door, the stuff is so invasive and difficult to eradicate.
  18. Oh wow that's beyond intresting, things are starting to fall into place now.
  19. I honestly don't think that we could have gotten a better GM. TM was good for the time period he was here, but now that the dust is settling, ill go so far as saying last year may have been a neseccary birth pain towards the greater good.
  20. NHL app just announced it too.
  21. Very nice, this was my pick back when the poll was put up. I really hope this is a new positive transition for us.
  22. Side note, I miss 2010. What a good year to be a Sabres fan that was. Miller was the best goalie in the world that year.
  23. Yay!! Finally can move forward here and start looking at head coaches etc ☺????
  24. I'm just gonna call him JB, that sounds good. Maybe it'll get legs. I always called Darcy DR. His wiki page already has him as our GM lol.
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