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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. http://nhl.nbcsports.com/2017/05/22/p-k-subban-no-city-in-the-nhl-has-anything-on-nashville/ Nothing against PK but this is just silly. Pretty sure Nashville wouldn't be selling out every game game six years after no playoffs like Buffalo.
  2. We're getting Antipin for dirt cheap and for one year. Little commitment and possible big return. It's unfathominable to me how or why anyone would complain about it.
  3. http://www.wkbw.com/sports/sabres/report-antipin-set-to-sign-with-sabres He's expected to be in Buffalo next week.
  4. Now that is a good idea! Terminator reboot.
  5. Calgary, Chicago, Columbus and Pitt were all interested in him. All five teams can only offer him the same 1 year max but we won cause we can offer top minutes cause our d is awful. http://www.diebytheblade.com/2017/3/14/14923294/buffalo-sabres-expected-to-sign-defenseman-viktor-antipin-khl
  6. I haven't no and wow, now THAT is steep!
  7. 300 level is so steep in keybank arena though, feels like you can fall right down.
  8. They make special tick keys for removal now. Always handy to have just in case.
  9. Buffalo is a big city, too many variables. Even in a small town there would be differences. Here's a link to check your exact address. https://www.antennaweb.org/Address
  10. I remember that trade, I was so bummed to see Kassian go but was pumped about Hodgnson. I remember all the vancover fans being sad to see him go, everyone speculating he was a top 6 center etc. Looking back now how naive I was lol.
  11. Apology accepted no worries.
  12. Thanks I appreciate that. Just want to say again to everyone including 79 and wild that I'm sorry. I'm very opinionated but now that I know politics is taboo it won't happen again on my part.
  13. Serious question, and not being contrite, is politics not allowed on this board? If it's not allowed I'm honestly unaware of that. I've seen others talk about a "politics thread" which was apparently deleted (before I joined I think). I've seen both politics and religion discussed here in places I wouldn't even expect them. Most on here seem to be left, which is fine im also from blue upstate ny and am use to it. But if politics is a no no this is news to me. I don't care if people disagree with me, but when told to f off, and other vulgar things yeah I'm going to take issue with that and address it. Just as I would if in person.
  14. I wonder if either of you are as mouthy in person as you are on the internet, that's the difference between you two and I. I don't type anything I wouldn't say to either of your faces. But go ahead and continue to speak negatively about me, your just showing your own foolishness.
  15. Typical hateful response from a leftist. Like clockwork.
  16. I see left leaning comments on this message board all the time. Grow up Castro.
  17. RIP Roger Ailes. They'll be people who'll use his death as an opportunity to speak negitivly of him, but regardless of his faults, he broght a voice to the American people on cable news that previously didn't have a voice. Sheppard Smith in tears right now talking about him. Rest in peace.
  18. Sorry jsb prayers for you and your family for healing. That's never easy. Suspected dwi they're now saying.
  19. I understand people's frustrations but honestly the Sabres agreed to it, and I'm beyond psyched about the WC. So pumped that were in it! Also let us not forget that had the 2018 world juniors not been being played in buffalo at around the same time, perhaps this would have been in buffalo. My perspective is that there is so much going on at once in hockey, all major premiere events, that buffalo is spreading itself thin to accomodate.
  20. Too hot to mow my lawn today.
  21. Whoa I'm speechless, and still not sure how this happened. Chicago Wolves are an extremely solid AHL club. If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure all of their games are even televised. Vegas just got put on the fast track.
  22. You are the man! ☺
  23. I must admit, after reading your comment I now feel convicted by my own covetousnes. You are correct in that there are no guidelines or prerequisites to depression or any other type of mental illness, and for that I do now feel bad for judging him. Afterall, this is probably how people in third world countries feel when they see us complaining about anything. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. The guy still annoys me though.
  24. He was paid to do a job, he underperformed. This is not the first time he has complained about it. https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/ville-leino-does-not-remember-buffalo-fondly-135215250.html He comes across like a victim rather than taking responsibility. When people of modest means pay significant money to see their team, it stings when someone like Leino blames everyone but himself. I called him a poor baby, not very edifying I admit. It's hard not to feel that way though. As far as one poster saying he can go to he** etc, that is over the top imo.
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