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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. No I quoted him before he edited his post. I would never knowingly misrepresent someone’s position.
  2. This is more level headed and reasonable in my opinion. I would support something like this.
  3. Personally I think that’s too far, but okay. What type of culpability level do you think it should meet? Strict liability (recklessness like a DWI) or intent (like perjury)? Most crimes require both mens rea and actus reus. Which brings me to my pragmatic post above; what if someone does it unintentionally?
  4. I’m approaching this from a pragmatic standpoint. The whole point that I’ve been trying to make is that it is ridiculous for someone to be okay with, and/or advocate for a $50,000 fine for not wearing a mask. You want to make it a NYS violation? Fine, have the legislature do it through the legislative process. That would most likely be in the $300 range. Being okay with destroying someone over not wearing a mask is disgusting. FWIW, I am not anti mask either.
  5. But what if someone simply forgets to put one on by accident? I have gotten out of my car, walked up to the front entrance of a store, and then quickly realized I forgot. What if on my return back to the vehicle to retrieve my mask a LEO sees me; I shouldn’t be financially crushed and my family suffer immensely for that. This is what I take issue with. We either care about our fellow man or we do not. And before anyone objects that my scenario is an exuberant one; not wearing a mask would be a strict liability offense. “I forgot” would not remove oneself of culpability unless specifically written in the language of the law or executive order.
  6. You say that you are okay with the government imposing $50,000 dollar fines on people for not wearing masks and then in the same breath whine about bars being shut down at midnight, the inconsistency is mind boggling. But that’s the thing about cheering on heavy handed executive orders; only a matter of time til it inconveniences YOU. Yes it is amusing that your line in the sand is an early last call.
  7. So big government imposing a $50,000 fine on working people is cool but closing bars is a step too far?
  8. Lol. I wasn’t going to say anything but was thinking the same thing. Nothing more entertaining than when someone has courage of conviction while being wrong.
  9. Are both leagues redraft?
  10. Yeah I agree that sounds about right.
  11. My concern is primarily whether or not there will be a mandated vaccine for all students in NYS public schools. From a pragmatic standpoint, I think that’s the most realistic and immediate concern.
  12. In this brave new world of executive orders, answer is that’s up to the courts to decide. What they could do now, as is, could make it very, very inconvenient to not do so. That alone will compel many to do so who would otherwise not. If they can force people to quarantine against their will, I imagine they could force vaccines.
  13. It’s a great thing! It is just that there has been so many people saying something to the effect of “wait til the election is over, then this will all be gone”. This will convince them that they were right all along.
  14. Anyone else think that the vaccine timing looks really, really bad? I mean, I’m not even trying to imply anything political or whatever. But seriously.
  15. Already on top of it, just commented on the thread from last year a couple minutes ago. Thanks though. I’m getting really stir crazy with no fantasy right now lol. Doesn’t matter to me if I’m blue or gold, though I do prefer redrafts as I like to draft my own.
  16. Yeah couldn’t agree more. If we’re going to do anything in the playoffs we need to be able to protect our players. I know the league has changed but the refs tend to “let them play” in the playoffs.
  17. Count me in for this upcoming season please.
  18. Sounds like these guys already have a legacy league going which I think sounds fun. Just want to be a part of it. The guys at my work don’t like hockey and the guys in my firehouse who do, don’t do fantasy. This would be much better than playing against randoms.
  19. Just out of curiosity, is it redraft or keepers?
  20. Sweet, is it Yahoo? If so, any chance I can play if there is a spot open? I’m silver (so-so) currently in Yahoo hockey but am very active.
  21. I'm confused.. so do you want to do a fantasy league or no (lol)?
  22. I miss John Scott.
  23. It’s pretty straight forward; you draft your team, plug in your roster daily, aim to win the stat categories weekly (typically 10 categories). We should do one this season.
  24. Is there a fantasy (Yahoo) hockey league here?
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