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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. Part of the Dave Ramsey program (the heart of it really) is no consumer debt, ever. Besides, I literally only need it for NHL 21 and NHL Rewind. It will basically be an NHL Box lol. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  2. Going to save up money for the Xbox Series S. It will take about 6 months or so as we are really dedicated to doing the Dave Ramsey program. I get $25 a month of spending money but that, combined with birthday money gift cards should get me there. Can’t take not having NHL 21 anymore. Switch is great and all but no hockey is not working. Series S is a great choice for anyone who doesn’t have a 4K tv, the only real drawback is the storage space. Personally I like that it’s all digital so that is not an issue.
  3. I just wish that we could stream MSG, legally, as a stand alone product. I would pay handsomely for it, well over $20 a month if offered.
  4. Dahlin looking like a beast. Like a young Ivan Drago... in a good way.
  5. I remember complaining about this pick three years ago, BPA doesn’t always pan out. Neither does drafting for need, but just never liked this pick.
  6. Definitely a prove it signing.
  7. Just got the email, I should be eligible in 10 days for the vaccine. Will be getting it around that time.
  8. Don’t like how tough our division is obviously but have to admit, I like this type of schedule. Minus it not being a full 82 obvi.
  9. But the way that I’m understanding it, since it is the league that draws up the tv broadcasting maps, i. e. Albany is Sabres territory, wouldn’t a national streaming platform have to go through the NHL for permission?
  10. Sorry to get off topic but I’m just really looking forward to seeing Dylan Cozens adapt. But to stay on topic, Staal and Hall. That rhymed, sort of.
  11. Good question, but knowing the NHL, I doubt it.
  12. I-90 W

    Name your 8

    Your BUFFALO SABRES Boston Toronto Montreal Pittsburgh Phillly NYR NYI
  13. Dude, bless you. Very good to know thanks. I have that app on my Roku will do this. I have my thoughts about that but won’t elaborate. I really shouldn’t have even made the pork comment tbh. Just noting that it’s amazing what type of stuff is found in unrelated bills.
  14. Is there a way to catch Sabres games over the radio? If memory serves I don’t think WGR covers the games live but I could be wrong. I have NHL Network so am covered with highlights and news. Growing up as a baseball fan, I’m use to following sports on the radio so would be interested to know if this is an option.
  15. Even if the Sabres had their own network, blackout restrictions would still apply as it’s the league that enforces it and decides the geographical territory for teams. True to form, and just about as reliable as death and taxes, the NHL shoots itself in the foot. https://www.snnow.ca/support/nhl-blackout-restrictions#:~:text=Regional blackouts are a mandate,protect a team's home market.
  16. I was watching the Hockey Guy today on YouTube and when talking about the East, he pointed out that the top half of our division finished in the top 10 in winning percentage last season. Also with the fifth team finishing eleventh in the league in winning percentage. Boston 1st Washington 5th Philly 6th Pitt 7th NYI 11th
  17. Exactly. There are five NHL teams that are geographically closer to me than the Sabres, yet I’m still in Sabres blackout territory. It would literally be easier and cheaper for me to follow a west coast team or Canadian team.
  18. I know, right?
  19. The one thing that still drives me crazy about blackout restrictions is that it makes it more expensive to follow your home team on television than an out of market team. If I want to follow the Sabres I need MSG, and either a cable subscription or Fubo... much more expensive than if I just got the Center Ice package for a team far away.
  20. Just wish I had known this when I drafted my fantasy team lol.
  21. It’s gonna be weird playing just the same teams in this division only, but weird in a good way. Just give me hockey.
  22. I'm in Eastern New York and am also in a blackout, practically in Vermont!
  23. Agreement reached and Juniors in one week.. hockey is back boys 🥅 🏒
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