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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. Yes, I’m sure there is at least one. Probably many in fact. Hopelessly looking to draft picks is now part of our fanbase’s culture. Given our drafting track history, they ought to know better, but that’s another subject.
  2. I’ll never support a tank again, think our fan base learned it’s lesson.
  3. Zegras is a very special talent, NYS raised too.
  4. Da worse coach 😅
  5. I actually read this in Marty Biron’s voice.
  6. Welp I changed my mind; perhaps he is a terrible person!
  7. Feel the same exact way, very well said. Have been a Sabres fan long before him and Lord willing long after him. All of his time here has been during our horrible years, as long as we get a good return I’ll be happy. Though my oldest daughter may be upset, really stinks for the kids. That’s the real only bad thing.
  8. I can see your point to an extent, but many of us can be arrogant at times. Some here are arrogant with their hockey knowledge (not saying you, you’re actually pretty chill), if being consistent, that would make them horrible people. All I’m saying is that we should be trepidatious about throwing that around, because if we’re consistent with that metric, we will cast a larger net than we may realize.
  9. This thread does however give us all an opportunity to ask ourselves, what is a terrible person? If lying or baring false witness makes one a terrible person, pretty confident that we are all guilty. Not sure that faking it til you make it even reaches that threshold.
  10. His parting words where he was enthusiastic and upbeat (indifferent at best) after being fired for incompetence revealed a character issue IMO.
  11. Of course not but honestly I don’t see that happening next season so it didn’t even cross my mind.
  12. It might make sense for both parties to part ways at this point; he wants to win now and is the face of our franchise. There is and has been something wrong in the locker room for a very long time. Not saying it is him, just like it wasn’t ROR, or any one player. But a reset seems to be in order. If we can get great trade value for him next trade deadline (players not prospects), I can see it happening. Nothing says reset like moving the captain.
  13. A plain reading of your verbiage using “stop sign” would infer that you were.
  14. This is pretty a critical take on those who suffer from the disease that is alcoholism. Not sure if calling them “amateurs ” is fair or even logical.
  15. I’m fine with the Hall “return”. The more fresh blood the better, have to purge this team some way or another. Addition by subtraction.
  16. I can’t picture this team getting upset at anything really, and certainly not doing anything on the ice even if they were. Not saying that they have reason to, but if they did, it’s not like they would do anything about it.
  17. I really feel bad for anyone that got caught up in the Hall hype last fall and bought a jersey. You can say they should have known better, but at least thought we would have gotten the full season.
  18. There are many Christians who don’t observe the liturgical calendar, and some even view it as idolatry. Reformed Christians have 52 holidays a year, every Lord’s Day. We don’t observe Easter as it is not commanded or even mentioned in Scripture. Having said that, one could make the case that it is a liberty issue, but we do not recognize it corporately. Every Lord’s Day is Resurrection Day.
  19. Images of Jesus are a Second Commandment violation, I don’t know why you’re asking me what color his skin is. Turn the other cheek? That doesn’t refer to engaging in apologetics (which we’re commanded to do). If you’re going to twist Scripture, at least read the whole book. You have a history of mocking Christians on this board, my response wasn’t based solely on today. As far as letting me know that you’re laughing at me, that’s not how you engage in word views that are antithetical to your own. At least I engaged with yours after I criticized it. You shouldn’t feel “pressured” when someone presents an argument that is different than your own btw, sounds like you’re the one with a persecution complex. Finally, I deleted my comment because I know how nasty some of you can be, but since you insist on dragging this back, here is my response.
  20. What a train wreck this thread is.
  21. Couldn’t agree more, and as someone who doesn’t even follow the Bills, wish they never bought them. Feel like the Sabres are second fiddle now to them.
  22. Unfortunately we can’t trust our scouting dept to make the right picks anyhow. Honestly at this point no one is untouchable IMO, including Jack. But the structure has to be there and drafting is and has been a structural problem for us this last decade or so. In theory though I’m all for going full scorched earth. Also Jack deserves better than this, he is and will waste his career here.
  23. I’m not really sure that I like any of them currently tbh. I liked the logo before any of them, and will continue to like it after all of them.
  24. Wonder how many Boston fans will be in attendance.
  25. St Louis? I’m north of Albany. Nevermind, I get it now. Meh.
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