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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. And for all we know it is because of Jack, not KA. Any objective person can understand the point that I’m making here.
  2. You’re presupposing a lot; how do you know a middle ground could have been reached?
  3. But what if Jack doesn’t need the surgery, you’re just gonna fire a grown man with a family because a 24 yo wanted to sit during a bad season? I’m not saying this is the case, but neither of us KNOW what is going on.
  4. So we’re just going to have a new GM every season, is that it? You are making very hardline decisions on very limited information. I for one don’t make up my mind until I can see the whole picture. All I have is one eye witness testimony who has a motive to lie.
  5. You know what would be pretty lousy? If Jack was milking his injury and just wanted to avoid the rest of this dumpster fire of a season, the team physician rightfully said no, and then Jack shopped for a physician to agree with him. THEN publicly used it as a talking point to demand a trade. I ain’t saying this is what’s happening, but man that would be lousy.
  6. According to the new CBA they have to go by the team physicians decision. Sabres have the right to block it. Jack just has the right to get an independent opinion and the team doc has to take that into consideration. Shocked the PA allowed that in.
  7. Exactly. Jack has brilliantly changed the discussion to him being the oppressed and the Buffalo Sabres being the oppressors. Though he might be right, I ain’t taking it as Gospel. All I know is that the team has a doctor and so does he, and the two doctors disagree.
  8. They have no choice but to move Eichel. What are you suggesting, fire KA and keep Jack? Things are way past that now, it is what it is.
  9. Personally I think we need to stop the toxic bleeding now. This is officially a very distracting locker room problem. We don’t move him before the season starts and it will be near impossible to move forward in a healthy way with our new/ younger players IMO.
  10. As long as they retained the name Sabres I would remain a fan. If they relocated and dropped the Sabres name, then I’d probably be out. Yeah I don’t think so either it just spiraled into another theoretical convo that’s all.
  11. Yeah gotta admit, Hamilton’s annoying personality worked out well today.
  12. Ugh I just thought of something; cringy Titanic themed meme clips/videos with Leonardo DiCaprio and ownership or fans saying “Don’t ever let go Jack”. It’s going to be awful. True that.
  13. Yes Samson is the original tank prize. Remember we all wanted either him or Sam Bennett?
  14. Jack sounded like a disgruntled employee who was taking his coworkers/ friends with him. I doubt Sam isn’t on the top of that list. At times Jack sounded like others on the team felt the same.
  15. Agreed. I was a Sabres fan long before him, and Lord willing, will be for long after. What he and Sam represent to me are very talented yet soft players that we tanked for. I just feel bad for my daughter who has an Eichel 50th jersey. Also maybe it wasn’t fair for me to call Jack soft but whatever idc right now.
  16. Almost like Aaron Judge; tremendously talented but does not have a baseball body type. He also is injury prone.
  17. I actually do wonder what the league must think of all of this.
  18. Trade value is as low as can be because of both injury and the league knows he wants out, plus ownership is looking like a bunch of jerks if what he is saying is true. This is literally the most Buffalo way to lose him.
  19. Relocation would be horrible but I’d follow the Sabres anywhere they go still. What has happened this last decade has been an absolute disgrace.
  20. His press conference was his trade demand, basically. He even said they’ve had “tough conversations” that he has to look out for himself first and foremost etc. No one literally says the words “I demand a trade” to the press but that’s basically what he did.
  21. In case anyone is interested in how an NHL team could block a surgery, it’s in the current CBA. https://info.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/jack-eichel-drops-another-bombshell-during-his-exit-interview?fbclid=IwAR3SrSvGKsk2lZ4HIhQmwV2RGvHkrZmdYhVAa7H0FK3OpVTd6o4V3PnNUlY
  22. Yeah that could be, good point.
  23. Yeah I’m not sure I believe him either, it seems a bit far fetched and he certainly has the motive to lie. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, like they weren’t supportive enough about him getting the surgery etc.
  24. Another thing that was off putting was Jack saying several times how much of an amazing “human being” Ralph was. Didn’t seem very winning orientated there. Ralphs job was to coach not be a weird guru. Not a good look when the captain can’t see that, but still get upset about losing.
  25. Didn’t Jack mention something about being a husband and father? Are those thing even true or was he just speaking into the future? He was talking as if he is already.
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