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I-90 W

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Everything posted by I-90 W

  1. If it doesn’t kick in yet, can he still influence where he goes in any way?
  2. Is this a factor? He’s obviously in the middle of a long contract and to the best of my knowledge has a no movement clause at play.
  3. Lol fair. My gage is facebook which tends to be just critical of anyone and everything so that may come into play as well.
  4. Did Cozens have a good season? How about the improved effort from the whole team after his guru was fired? Nah he just cares about his BFF.
  5. Everyone wants Eichel but I’m already seeing some other fanbases not liking how he is going about this. It’s odd that our own fans seem to be siding with him while other fanbases are siding with ownership. I don’t think his presser was a good look for him.
  6. I guess what I am asking is, if he has the surgery and would be declared healthy for next season, does that increase his trade value?
  7. Since it is all but certain that Jack Eichel has played his last game as a Buffalo Sabre, should the surgery now be allowed to remove the health issue from our trade asset? Or is this a mute point as the team physician has already made their recommendation?
  8. What he was inferring was that it was the only good thing about this season. Not something a captain should infer.
  9. Watching Jacks presser on YouTube right now (heard it live on WGR yesterday. His black cap with no logo also sends a message, and his chuckle after sarcastically saying Sam had a good year and then chuckling was the most un-captain thing I’ve ever seen a captain say or do.
  10. Thorny made a very good point about how it’s in the GMs best interest to drag the process along; hire a new GM, reset the clock. That GM fires the HC a year later, reset the clock. It’s a viscous cycle of kicking the can down the road. And if you fire a GM after one season, as you seem that you would do, no valuable GM will ever even come here. There is also that to think about. It’s not as simple as just fire everyone right away. Even George Steinbrenner had to learn that in the 70s.
  11. I can see the logic behind what you’re saying, but I don’t think KA has much of a choice at this point. If he doesn’t move Jack I think the Eichel camp will outright demand a trade in public (explicitly) and that would just be such a bad look. I think Jack is being traded no matter what at this point. Possibly Sam too.
  12. Great point and those who are calling for Adam’s head should also think about this; our frequent change over of GMs has probably dragged this process out longer than need be.
  13. Agreed. And we can’t subject our new young players to another decade of suffering either. Not to mention forcing them into roles they’re not ready for yet. Rebuilds have several negative tangible side effects, and our fan base can’t take it anymore.
  14. Another good point is that we cannot subject Cozens, Mitts, Dahlin, and Olof through rebuild 2.0. It will put too much pressure on them and suck their love of the game out of them like everyone else who has been here. We need a big haul in the worst way. Think that’s our only hope. Hopefully KA can stumble into a great return like the Pegula’s seemingly did with the Bills hirings and drafting (I don’t follow NFL so could be wrong).
  15. I want immediate serviceable players, no lottery tickets. After we move Jack and Sam, when the dust settles, there needs to be tried and true 1C and 1RW standing.
  16. I agree with so much of this except for the last sentence. We don’t have any more patience. We’ve been told to be patient for over a decade now.
  17. Isn’t it usually ownership wanting to rush surgeries, not the other way around? Kind of weird that he’s mad they want to take a conventional approach. The more and more I think of it, looks like shenanigans. Think Jack is using this as an excuse to bail.
  18. Taylor Hall just needs to shut up and not even talk about the Sabres ever again!
  19. He’s tied for the most Team USA points all time, if memory serves he has a better WJC record than McDavid also. Watching him and Cozens in the Gold game was a treat, for them to be on the same team would be electric. I wouldn’t even miss Jack that’s how excited I would be.
  20. Small world man, very nice!
  21. Well at least I can eat whatever I want with my new royal away fanatics Eichel jersey that I got for Christmas, so there’s that.
  22. It ain’t just NYC, I’m north of Albany and am surrounded by Rags fans. I for one definitely don’t want to see him play for NYR I’ll never hear the end of it.
  23. You fail to even entertain the possibility that Jack could be the problem. That is possible you know?
  24. I don’t think that these things are mutually exclusive. I’m glad you mentioned drafting as I believe that is our biggest problem actually. I also think we have a systemic culture problem that began when Lucic ran Miller.
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