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Everything posted by rjones71

  1. The first statement was all that was necessary. I don't give a damn about your personal opinions!
  2. Thank you all so very much for your kind words and prayers for our family. You guys are the best.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Thank you sir for the kind words.
  5. I don't post here much but I do have some sad news. We lost our 23 year old son in a bicycle accident last week. He was the light of our lives and I never imagined how tough this could be. My daughter set up a GoFundMe page and suggested I place a link here in case anyone wanted to help. I hope I am not offending anyone or breaking any rules by placing this here. Thank you all and God Bless. https://gofund.me/ad994db2
  6. Gronk "but I'm special".
  7. How 'bout them Hoosiers?

  8. OK I'll bite. Why do we need a first baseman?
  9. I'd be a fool not to want Power.
  10. I was 18 once, full of pee and vinegar......said no to the YANKEES so I could serve my country in Vietnam. Let's hope Owen is smarter than I was.
  11. When I try to go to the WGR website, which I have done for years, why do I get a message that WGR55 is not available in EU? I live in PA for heavens sake. Thanks.
  12. If you want a sport where referees don't determine the outcome, switch to curling.
  13. What planet have you been away visiting???
  14. What a first post!!!!
  15. But Antipin isn't an Eskimo.
  16. One team is going to win and one team is going to lose. It's a scientific fact.
  17. "This will make the 3rd time today!!!"
  18. And duct tape won't fix stupid. But it will certainly keep it quiet for a while.
  19. C M Wings? M R Ducks.
  20. My opinion is you're an A hole. Am I wrong? Yes, I probably am. But it's MY opinion. Buh bye.
  21. Then that's his opinion.
  22. You have a problem with me voicing my opinion???????????
  23. True, but keep in mind, right or wrong, this is my opinion. There's a reason the "C" isn't on his sweater.
  24. What good is he doing us? How many games has he won? Point a game means nothing if you lose all the time.
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