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Everything posted by klos1963

  1. Probably having a good coach. I think a healthy Eichel would flourish under Granato.
  2. Are we any hungrier than other teams that actually have goaltending?
  3. How do you tank without tanking? Get a bunch of good ,young prospects and don't give them any goaltending.
  4. Zibanejad needs a new contract, can't imagine they can take on that new deal and Eichel. One or the other.
  5. I understand your point, but it just doesn't seem practical to me. Are teams really just 'kicking the tires' on Jack just to see medical records? We all know he has a disc issue, the medical records are for more indepth understanding of the problem and to help make a decision on surgery options and prognosis. This isn't a spy game, it's acknowledged that he needs surgery, teams need to see those records. To expect to get an offer for what KA has been rumored to ask for, the team needs to know what they are getting in return.
  6. We're talking about Jack , sorry if you are too confused to understand. If Jack wants out so bad, it makes no sense that he wouldn't allow his medical records available. You really don't understand what teams would need to see, they should just take what the read in the press and react to that? It's impossible to take you seriously when you call Jack, John, but then to think that a team could just rely on public comments to understand exactly what is medically wrong and what may need to be done surgically and the long term prognosis makes me think that you don't expect to be taken seriously.
  7. I'll never understand how he thought a deal could get done without releasing medical records.
  8. The NMC means nothing. Eichel wants out badly, he's been quoted as saying 'he'll go anywhere to facilitate a trade'. There's no place worse than Buffalo right now. Wonder what those team doctors are seeing that ours aren't?
  9. I'd have to think Eichel would ok the release to facilitate a trade. This just seems like poor strategy on the Sabres part. Of course no team would trade for anyone without seeing the medical records of someone who needs major surgery.
  10. I already have ESPN+ so I'm gonna give that a shot. Not signing up for Center Ice. Being in AZ , I miss a lot of games just because of the time zone, so it's not always worth it. I'll play it by ear.
  11. She cancelled my center ice and gave me an additional $16.50 per month off my NFL ticket.
  12. I'm on hold with them right now.
  13. I thought I saw the $70 price, but I just got my directv bill today and it's $160???????
  14. I watched him play a lot here in AZ, he's actually a pretty decent player. Not top 6, but a solid player. You will notice him out there, he contributes, but he's limited. definitely higher end than Flynn, Vinnie is a 30-40 point player over a full season.
  15. No goalie on our roster would be in the NHL if not for the fact that we didn't prioritize goaltending.
  16. I'm not saying this to bash Paul, but someone posted on twitter a whole bunch of tweets from Paul over the years mentioning former Sabre coaches angrily stopping practices. So this isn't close to being the first time.
  17. I believe KA said the team agrees that he needs surgery, but they disagree on the procedure.
  18. That doesn't make any sense. I have to assume he has some say, they are his medical records, but maybe the team has 'rights' to it? Also, since Jack has said he'll go anywhere, I don't think he'd object.
  19. I don't see his value increasing to what KA is asking until he's healthy and has proven he can play at an elite level. Maybe if he has surgery and plays in the Olympics.
  20. Do you think a doctor can determine what the best course of treatment and long term prognosis is based on what we read in the press? Would you trust a doctor's advice that didn't examine you or your medical records? Why? What will they gain from that, and how will that hurt the Sabres?
  21. Does it really matter? Do you think there are GM's that don't really have any interest that will ask for medical records?
  22. How can Adams expect to make a trade without giving the other teams his medical records. Makes no sense.
  23. She was skating during the Sabre Dance, not the Anthem.
  24. ok. we all know how conditions work, just pointing out the problem with them in this particular case.
  25. So this is disrespecting our troops, right?
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