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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Unless he's reading this and knows who you are on here. Then you're in a world of #2.
  2. Whatever that means. :huh:
  3. Inky, that was uncalled for. You don't even know what I was uploading. Trust me. You wouldn't like it.
  4. Another complaint: Having to stay up because uploading a YouTube video that is less than two minutes long has so far taken at least two hours and it's only at 36%. <_<
  5. IOW, pure bravo sierra
  6. From what I've seen of LinkedIn, thanks but no thanks. I'm not impressed either.
  7. Here's my newest complaint. Not sure I buy their excuses when most of us here don't have that kind of money to profligate. Talk about being addicted to OPM!!! :angry: :wallbash:
  8. Never watched that movie, and it's definitely not high on my "Things to do" list. I don't even think my wife would put that on the "Honeydew" list.
  9. I got my mind back when I quit watching that show (and noticed that Andy Rooney lost his a long time ago). As Michael Savage would say, "No humongous amount of Omega-3 fatty acids can save this guy's mind."
  10. Ok, this is a follow-up to the class reunion drama that I started on last week: Here's what I sent to the coordinator of the class reunion: C.A. told me that you scheduled the class reunion for two days after Thanksgiving. Why wasn't this done for a summer date? Her response: Well J, VERY FEW people came forward to help with the reunion. So I did the best I could with what I had. This is the 3rd reunion I've planned and the only people who complain are those who don't help plan and don't show up. I started 18 months ago posting on classmates and alumni web sites for help and got little support with the exception of Cortney. She lives 7 hours from Arcade and I live 2 hours from Arcade and it made it very difficult to plan. If you refer to several class reunion planners they actually recommend the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Many (but certainly not myself) people "go home" that weekend AND traditionally on that Saturday few weddings are booked. Many restaurants are booked a minimum of one year in advance! I do not feel that I need to explain my own personal hardships that made it impossible for me to plan a summer reunion without someone else stepping forward to take it over completely. This discussion has ended. E(S)B My response for what will probably be the coup de grace: Ok. Have fun. Doesn't look like you've changed one bit. I admit that I went over the top in my response; but considering whom I remembered and her attitude during our Senior Year, it doesn't look like she's changed at all. In all honesty, I hadn't planned on going. However, when I was alerted that it was coming up, I thought about changing my mind. Then, when I found out that they were holding it two days after Thanksgiving (and I've already made arrangements to be home in Virginia for that weekend), that sealed the deal right then and there. Furthermore, I have come to expect that this is the way that they are going to do things until everyone's six feet under.
  11. I'm too poor to vote Democrat...
  12. Like the CINC (considering that he was a Yale alumnus)?
  13. Let me ask you this: how much executive experience do Barack Obama and Joe Biden have combined? It's one thing to have a Senate seat, but it's quite another to be not only the governor of a state but also the Commander of the Alaska National Guard - which, BTW, sits just 50 miles due east of Russia. To get back on topic on your post, consider this hypothetical situation. What kind of a president will you have if either Obama or McCain die in office? [Refrain from cynicism and sarcasm, please.] Another thing: Can you name one piece of legislation that Obama has written during his entire political career? FYI, it's not a trick question. Also, here's an article worth reading.
  14. IIRC, Ron Paul was opposed to any bailout whatsoever. Now that is a true conservative right there!
  15. Actually, I don't know if he's ever gone after any paleoconservatives like these guys. They're probably not even a blip on his pathetically liberal radar screen. Maybe they're flying stealth and he doesn't know it.
  16. Sometimes I wish they had smiley faces on YT like they do here on SS. The only problem with that comes with the petty, sophomoric jabs that the trolls put on there because they have nothing better to post on YT (let alone how to properly use their time).
  17. Ha-ha-haaah :chris: I do work for a living, and that's why I couldn't get on earlier. Having said that, I don't know how do to multiple quotes within a post like some of these other guys do, so I make the most of it.
  18. Ok, since I've commented on a few responses to this thread, I actually have a legitimate complaint. I get this message on Facebook that my 20th year class reunion is coming up. I'm given all the keywords to type in to access all the information so I can provide an RSVP for this event. Come to find out that they're holding this event two days after Thanksgiving and I'm going to be in Virginia for that holiday. The head of the planning committee told me that she would have wanted it during the summer, but that one of her "assistants" scheduled it for the time I just mentioned. Obviously, there are those who are going to be in WNY for Thanksgiving who will be able to make this event. Meanwhile, those of us who might have given it some thought to go to this but can't because of the FUBAR planning have got to be grinding our teeth right now over this. As an aside, I did not like this "assistant" in my final year of high school with her. With this screw-up, my opinion of her hasn't changed. Granted, I wasn't really serious about going. The fact that the HLIC gave me any sort of consideration to invite me was thoughtful in and of itself. Had the date been a little different, I might have changed my mind. Now I can honestly say that there will be some who will miss my presence sincerely, while there are others who will miss me because they might bring their guns.
  19. Consider the source: Keith "I hate every living, breathing conservative" Olbermann. No wonder MSNBC's ratings are tanking!
  20. Try to have some hot wings. The spices alone should clear your head up.
  21. One thing I've noticed about inky: he's very observant, and his one liners will hit every one of us like a freight train.
  22. Admittedly, that is a major weakness on my part. I've always been my own sort of cat. Aside from this place, I'm extremely introverted and camera shy. My inability to make connections with others may prove to be a major downfall if and when the time comes.
  23. I don't know what else to say except that I truly feel really sorry for you. I'll be praying for you.
  24. Part of it stems from postmodernism (which, when you think about it, presents its own consequences - which we're seeing right now with the collapse of the US economy thanks to rogue companies that sought quick cash at the expense of the general health of the economy. Now they're getting a dose of their own medicine, and we're forced to take it as well.)
  25. I guess it's a good thing no one in Buffalo made a gamble to bring a WNBA franchise to our great city. Must be just as good as NBC not broadcasting any games with the Sabres in them this season.
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