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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Complaint #1. Bush could do no wrong in her eyes. Even Complaint#2 had disagreements with Bush. Complaint#2. If he wasn't so bombastic, he might have some credibility. Complaint#3: Rick Warren. I hate using pejoratives, but the guy is a joke at best and a heretic at worst.
  2. I'm glad you cleared some things up. This was very helpful. On the other hand, I don't expect you to cease with your weekly complaints against Hannity. Whenever I've listened to him, he has made me think sometimes. However, his confrontational style can be somewhat grating. Could be worse, though. You could listen to Michael Savage. That guy goes way over the top for my conservative tastes and he does so on a regular basis.
  3. Well, thanks for pointing this stuff out. At least you were nice enough to give him accolades where they're due. Conversely, there could be a paleoconservative who does something to benefit everyone, and yet someone like Randi Rhodes would find the means to vilify them. After all, in her eyes, Jerry Falwell could do nothing right. (I am becoming less and less of a Falwell clan supporter, given some theological issues I would rather not discuss, but I mention JF Sr. only for the sake or argument.)
  4. Are you guys saying he's not? Would you rather call this guy a great American?
  5. This proves your point. The Trucker published a story about it. Obviously this should not have happened. K-Town isn't exactly one of my favorite towns to drive through, but this is not the main reason why.
  6. And, as always, McJeff215 complaining about a great American, Sean Hannity. Oh, lest I forget, the Old Gray Lady... If you really want to catch Atlanta traffic without listening to the Hannitizer himself, why don't you listen to 93.3 or 104.7? Just throwing out options. Better yet, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, look up traffic.com
  7. My complaint: the Old Gray Lady. McJeff, your incessant Sean Hannity complaint is getting to be as old as Ralph Wilson and Billy Graham combined.
  8. Sorry. I just didn't see the equation there.
  9. Overkill?
  10. Um, ok? :blink:
  11. Actually, I wasn't going after inkman. He has his own issues, but he does have quite a wry sense of humor. Hint: this guy has also been quite active on the Political Discussion thread.
  12. np. Just having a little fun, considering that the dates were coincidental.
  13. It's very easy to be cynical of government regardless of which party is in power. Most of them wind up doing the very same things they preach against. (although reining in George Soros might not be such a bad idea after all).
  14. Misery loves company, no matter how much you try to tune them out. (This is especially true with one of the most prolific posters here on SS.) People like that wouldn't make it through their first week of employment if they had to work for Richard Marcinko.
  15. You didn't by chance see it on Blue's 2001 Saturn, did you?
  16. The 2008 elections are over. Take down your yard signs and peel off your bumper stickers - regardless if your favorite candidate won or lost. (Goodness! I'm still seeing bumper stickers from 2004! :thumbdown: )
  17. Even more handy advice from the Master of Duct Tape himself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QFRSjWVTmY
  18. Lack of freight. It's really hurting the trucking industry right now. If there's no freight to ship, I can't go anywhere. BTW, are there any other truckers on this board?
  19. The incessant yet pathetic media coverage of these upcoming elections. Yet, they don't make time to talk about the third party candidates. Makes me feel like the Bender Bending Rodriguez in shrader's avatar.
  20. That was the one thing I didn't like about him: his swearing like a sailor. However, if you think about it, some things have really angered him. I normally wouldn't be that brusque if I came out with a similar video.
  21. Well, if that's the case, watch this guy.
  22. Well, since you mentioned it, here's my beef. It's one thing when someone supports an opposing candidate. However, that does not give people against McCain the right to vandalize McCain campaign signs. I saw this happen in Okmulgee, OK; at the local Republican campaign headquarters in Lynchburg, VA; and on my own car! These are not isolated incidents by any means. It's been going on across the country. I wouldn't do that to an Obama supporter, so why should they be so criminally brazen to do that to me or any other McCain supporter? I'm curious to see if anyone on here can come up with any justifiable excuse for vandalism of this nature.
  23. Used to be. At least they got this gal out of here for a while. (Wound up being laid to rest on America soil :thumbdown: ).
  24. Well, my complaint is in response to your complaint. You can thank this guy not only for attempting to ruin our country, but also for killing several other countries' currencies. Ask the Brits. They know this all to well. Why the US government doesn't deport this Commie nutjob is beyond me. At least the ChiComs had enough sense to ban him from doing business in their country back in 1999. Everywhere he goes to do business, he leaves behind a trail of destruction and millions suffer as a result of it. This guy has absolutely no remorse. AFAIAC, Obama is only his marionette. Don't just look at the surface. Look at the root cause.
  25. For all you truckers out there: SPLIT SPEED LIMITS! Man, I hate going through states that have them! Ohio (they enforce speed limits on everyone in draconian fashion) Michigan Indiana (although my truck can only do 62, so they're technically off the hook) Illinois (because Rowdy Roddy Blagojevich adamantly refuses to make the speed limits uniform citing safety reasons - in spite of the fact that the FMCSA has conclusive evidence that uniform speed limits are actually safer) Tennessee (most metro areas because they listened to the green freaks about "global warming" - except for Nashville) California (70 for cars, 55 for trucks. No matter how dangerous this is, it's still considered a rainmaker in fines in spite of the fact that CA has become such a train wreck of a state in every conceivable aspect)
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