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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. That is an extreme understatement right there. They just don't make cartoons like they used to. Who here doesn't remember the Smurfs???
  2. Well, you mentioned it earlier, which is why I replied in kind. That was one reason. Second, while it was nice to get reacquainted with old friends (like a pastor in Germany), I could ask practically anyone to be my friend and they wouldn't know me from Adam. Look at the number of friends that Teppo has on FB, and he probably doesn't even know 1/4 of them personally. (He is a likable guy, and I am not complaining about the number of friends he has on there. I am just using that for the sake of argument.) Third, if I did enough digging on a friend's info tab, I could see what some of their issues were. I won't go into details, but as I was taking my friends list down to zero, I would look through every info page and see where some people stood on some things. If I didn't like what I read, they wouldn't be getting future emails from me or any notification that I was leaving. (Conversely, I noticed that there was a friend or two whom I invited who later unfriended me, and I think I can safely assume that these old friends didn't like what they read. With me being an ultraconservative of the Ron Paul variety, it doesn't surprise me in the least.) Fourth, my wife had an account with FB for a few months. All of a sudden, out of the blue, she gets a message from someone who stalked her when she was in college back in the mid 90's. That was enough for her right there.
  3. I quit my membership with Facebook last week. I don't plan to ever join it again. FTR, I have never had a myspace account either, and I don't ever plan to have one.
  4. But the problem is that with paper money, an overabundance of it can result in hyperinflation. Ask the Germans in the 1920's. Ask the people of Zimbabwe today. Paper money can be created in mass quantities, which is why any currency that has no backing whatsoever is considered to be a fiat currency. However, it is impossible to do that with gold or any other precious metal. It can only be mined. I know that I'm not some booksmart "economist" like John Maynard Keynes ( :sick: ), John Kenneth Galbraith ( another :sick: ), or Paul Krugman. However, common sense should tell us that printing money in humongous mass quantities can lead to hyperinflation. Basic history has taught us that much.
  5. Speaking of ambulance chasers, IIRC, why is it that half of the TV commercials in the Buffalo area come from them?
  6. /Minus (the last sentence)
  7. :lol: Best joke of the year. You are aware that there is not one nation that has a gold standard, right? Fiat currency is utter hogwash. You can thank Woodrow Wilson for that... :thumbdown:
  8. Plus/Minus
  9. Mea culpa. However, I've done those self-checkout things at Wal-Mart so many times regardless of the amount of groceries that I have that I actually know what I'm doing so that way it's virtually painless to whoever is behind me.
  10. Whatever... <_<
  11. The protesters were from that Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS which is headed by none other than Fred Phelps. They are an aberration to say the least. A majority of conservative Christians would say that WBC is definitely on the fringe. Unfortunately, they provide fodder and make genuine Christ-followers appear negatively in the eyes of the public. As for the bald guy, his logic and cogent reasoning are very astute. But then again, I wouldn't expect anyone who does not understand what he is talking about to agree with him.
  12. +: Cal Thomas. When he writes his syndicated column or puts out his 1-2 minute daily radio commentary, he makes perfect sense just about all of the time. Sometimes, I think he's way better than Sean Hannity. -: Funny how all of the anti-war protesting disappeared after the 2008 elections. :wallbash: I noticed that hardly anyone is protesting against Obama's surge into Afghanistan - except this guy. IIRC, history is not kind to Afghanistan's invaders. Just ask the Soviets. On top of that, Sean Penn. Here's why.
  13. Either you're trying to joke around with us or you're taking things way too personally. If the latter is true, here's my advice: don't. It depends on how much you contribute to this place. Some people are just more prolific on here than others. Look at spndnchz. I've been on here longer than she has and she's probably written more posts on here than I have. Take a chill pill, relax, and post meaningful two cents when you're able to. As for me, I figure that if I hang around here long enough, I'll make "Hall of Fame" status eventually.
  14. Speaking of which, why is it that they ask the same thing when you have to go to the doctor's office because you're either hurt or sick? (Just got a reminder of that after a recent bout with peptic ulcer). That is my minus for the week. My plus? I still have a job (and I thank God for it).
  15. In leap years?
  16. :lol: :nana:
  17. So apropos. The sky hasn't fallen...yet.
  18. Complaint #1: Billy Graham. It's amazing how many people have lionized him in spite of the fact that there are those who have complained that he is a "false teacher" Oh, lest I forget, Rick Warren.
  19. Ted or Rick?
  20. This one really irks me: Ted Haggard! The fact that the guy went on Oprah to tell everyone what's going on in his life was just sickening. I kid you not: I went to his church in 1990 - back when there were approximately 2000 people going there at that time (and I was posted at Fort Carson, CO). In retrospect, his theology was extremely flawed back then, and it still is today. (I don't expect many SS members to understand what I am talking about with regards to theology, but I ask that you guys trust me when I say that I do have a clue what I am talking about in that aspect). Which leads me to my next complaint... Once again, Rick Warren.
  21. How about those hot dog eating contests?
  22. :lol: I'm sorry to laugh at you, but that scenario is just too funny.
  23. Where's Sean Hannity? ;)
  24. Well, maybe not on earth, but certainly in the United States. There are other countries that make Chicago's political landscape look peachy clean. Did we forget about Russia?
  25. Justice has been served, my friend. The Illinois State Senate voted 59-0 to oust him. On top of that, they voted that he not be allowed to ever hold any political office in the state of Illinois. He has since been replaced by his lieutenant governor Pat Quinn (no relation to Larry or the former Leafs coach of the same name). It just goes to show that when members of his own political party voted against him, he has really screwed up beyond belief. And now, my complaint for the week: Rick Warren.
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