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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Forget what the spinmasters from both say about each other: Democrats and Republicans both get caught with their pants down. It just goes to show how sickening the whole American political process has become and why I tend to support paleoconservatives now. Now, to get on track on my complaint for the week: I hate bringing up some things about trucking because it is what I do for the time being, but those pop bottles full of the amber stuff get tossed all over the roadsides and truck stops by lazy truckers who don't have the common decency to stop at a rest area to take care of things. BTW, how many of you were fans of Michael Jackson? :unsure:
  2. You sound like a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Radio stations which commonly overkill and overrate celebrities. Taylor Swift comes to mind right now.
  4. 1, Haven't you heard? Ye shall be as gods. 2, I completely understand. I went a bit over the top about my much-needed complaint about these CINO bookstores and their fawning over this anomalic family. Oh, and here is an article that rightly indicts us Americans. This time, they told the Truth!
  5. IIRC, the value of a particular stock has to trade at under $1 for at least 30 consecutive days before it gets delisted. I only happen to remember this from when Enron collapsed.
  6. What makes me really irate over the whole situation is that the book Multiple Blessings is STILL being sold in Christian bookstores - in spite of all the buzz at the Wal-Mart tabloids! What I am about to say will probably draw a bunch of "who cares" replies from you guys. However, please hear me out. All of you know just how far to the right I tilt on just about everything - including this book. From all of the book reviews I perused through on amazon.com, quite a few people brought up the fact that Bible verses were being scattered throughout the manuscript. I could careless just how many verses an author throws in there (which, BTW, they had assistance in writing this book). Their lives don't back up what's written in there (and a very big reason why I don't trust what's being sold in Christian bookstores for the most part - but that's an entirely different topic that I won't bring up on this forum). Ok, ok. Some of you may be saying, "just like the pot calling the kettle black." Yes, I make mistakes and I own up to them. It's all a part of my pilgrimage. OTOH, I don't see them owning up to anything - except when they get caught!
  7. Just ask the surviving members of the Dionne Quintuplets. They know all about this first hand. <_<
  8. Plus/Minus Ok, aside from my plus/minus rant, this is a legitimate complaint: When in the world are we going to stop hearing about Jon and Kate Gosselin? I am so sick of their continuing trivial saga thrown in everyone's faces! :sick: :chris: :wallbash: :death:
  9. Take some solace in this, but remember that it may be NSFW.
  10. Thanx! :thumbsup: I'm actually fascinated with many things Finnish - in spite of the fact that I have English and Scottish blood in me. I had a pen pal a long time ago from Finland back when I was in high school. I lost contact with her back around '96, but I fondly remember her extreme depth of intelligence. She wasn't like a French pen pal I once had who might as well have practically been a harlot. My Finnish pen pal was someone whom I could write to intelligently (sorry for the redundancy), so she definitely left a positive indelible impression upon me about Finnish people in general. At any rate, I'll do what I can to keep the music coming...
  11. I'm Finnished for now...
  12. I never really thought of it that way. You have a very valid point (given that "sellout kings" Metallica has already been inducted and is a much younger group than Rush). Thanx! :thumbsup:
  13. Sorry. Just blowing some steam.
  14. Jim Wallis and Tony Campolo. If people can accuse the "religious right" of having an agenda, then I can certainly say the same thing about those two lefties.
  15. Swamp, we may not agree on a lot of things, but I most certainly concur with you. Rush (in general) appears to get dissed alot by Rolling Stone. :wallbash: That's ok, though. Rush is one of the top-selling groups in the entire history of rock music. AFAIAC, Nirvana won't ever come close. :thumbsup:
  16. Why isn't Rush in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
  17. (BTW, I can so picture listening to this while riding in a Volkswagen Microbus.)
  18. As I write this, www.bloomberg.com has oil listed at $61.46 a barrel. Sorry to get political here, but I have this sick feeling that we're going through Jimmy Carter Part II, and the oil prices are just a symptom of this in spite of an anemic economy.
  19. I hear ya. Parts of my yard are so uneven that I can't take my lawn tractor mowing over them. I have to resort to the weed eater to knock them down. When I have the time, I've thought of doing one of two things - if not both. 1, till the yard until I can at least make it manageable for my lawn mower once the grass has grown, or, 2, plant some trees in those ditches. Water can run down a molehill just so far, but to run into a ditch that is full of trees should theoretically help them to grow that much faster. As for that $333k, that just doesn't sound right. Sounds to me like you're being hosed on that one. BTW, congrats on getting out of DC. The Beltway during rush hour is still as brutal as ever and no amount of lane expansion is ever going to fix the problem. It's like the old saying: "Make something idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot."
  20. Once they got their licenses, they threw the baby out with the bathwater. They make it harder for truckers to do their jobs, especially when it comes to lane changes. Thus, if anyone complains that I'm not letting them merge on to the highway, there's always someone blocking me from getting over for them. <_<
  21. Plus/Minus Can things get any spookier for the Speaker of the House? (pun intended) Funny how she has a tendency of talking out of both sides of her mouth.
  22. Well, I'll start off Complaint Thursday with no complaint actually... I started working at my new job two weeks ago. I absolutely love my new job. I am working on a dedicated account that keeps me busy, which is a far cry from the job that I left. Even in what appears to be a moribund economy, my company is well-positioned when it comes to hauling freight and they are financially stable as well. This was the same company where I started off as a trucker about 6 years ago. In retrospect, I wish I had never left them in the first place to work for what I will nicely call an "also-ran". The only downside is that I am only home long enough for a 34 hour restart. Speaking of the trucking industry, here's an article that seems to accurately gauge the economy based on the number of trucks that are on the road. Granted, I normally don't like MSNBC, but this article backs up what the trade publications are saying. Ok, now that I think about it, after having written all of that, I do have a complaint: I-81 in Virginia. Most parts of that 324-mile stretch of highway are death traps.
  23. Any Cult fans out there? If you like symphonic metal from Finland, here's one for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd_ZF594DKU (Too bad Tarja Turunen got dissed by her own bandmates)
  24. I don't know. Next to "nothing"? :unsure:
  25. Well, what can I say? That's why this thread is called "Complaint Thursday". It's a free-for-all. A few weeks ago, someone other than me complained about Gov. David Patterson. I may be the sore thumb sometimes, but there are others who either fly under the radar or get a pass.
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