Add this to your list as well. I remember when they tried to get the public to buy into "Gasohol" back in the 80's. Well, it didn't fly, so they nixed it. Now, they figure that since they can't do a hard sell, they'll force it on us. Typical Communists. (No, I will not back down from calling them that. When one of my fellow truckers tells me that he came to America from Romania back in the mid-80's to get away from Communism, only to discover that they've implemented it over here now, I totally understand him. This is not the same country I grew up in and I know that there are board members on here who are older than I am who know this all too well.)
IIRC, more corn used for fuel means less corn on the dinner table. Plus, more fields devoted to corn means less wheat and other essential crops grown. This picture is just completely messed up.