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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Well, since it is FRIDAY the 13th, here's a little present for all you on SabreSpace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  2. I heard something about him trying to do that. I hope he can pull it off. The right people were cast for the show. It would just be a matter of getting the original cast members back on the show. Firefly was definitely a unique show. It didn't mess with anyone's heads (although River's head was messed up by no fault of her own).
  3. I agree. They don't make shows on the telly like they used to (although Firefly was halfway decent). So much recycled garbage and the people who do reality shows give me the impression that they actually like the attention they're getting. As Neil Peart wrote in "The Big Money", It's the fool on television/getting paid to play the fool.
  4. Chief complaint of the week: the number of people who are falling for this guy's "prophecy" that the world is coming to an end on May 21, 2011. IMO, more than likely we're all still going to be here on May 22nd and in the foreseeable future.
  5. Just when it can't get any worse, it does. And we thought Robert Esche lost it back in 2006...
  6. Is this with Directv or someone completely different?
  7. Add this to your list as well. I remember when they tried to get the public to buy into "Gasohol" back in the 80's. Well, it didn't fly, so they nixed it. Now, they figure that since they can't do a hard sell, they'll force it on us. Typical Communists. (No, I will not back down from calling them that. When one of my fellow truckers tells me that he came to America from Romania back in the mid-80's to get away from Communism, only to discover that they've implemented it over here now, I totally understand him. This is not the same country I grew up in and I know that there are board members on here who are older than I am who know this all too well.) IIRC, more corn used for fuel means less corn on the dinner table. Plus, more fields devoted to corn means less wheat and other essential crops grown. This picture is just completely messed up.
  8. I have sort of an EP-sized list of complaints: 1, Tiƫsto is way too overrated. 2, John OO Fleming is way too underrated. 3, Maybe it's a girl thing, but I certainly can't dig this (with all due apologies to the lone person who created this page). 4, With all due apologies to Ron White, "You can't fix stupid Albany".
  9. I had to find something to get TPB and Rebecca Black out of my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b9iEZxPNwU
  10. You could always listen to Jackie Evancho sing. The difference betweeen her and Rebecca Black is night and day.
  11. Fixed. "Smart" guy. <_<
  12. I think about that tune every time I hear guys argue over the CB radio over really petty stuff.
  13. Do you ever wish the whole Cyrus brood would just go away from the limelight?
  14. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: At least the people in the Helsinki Complaints Choir could sing.
  15. I KNOW this guy could use some of that yellow stuff!!! Like one of my friends (who happens to be a meteorologist) told me one time, "I think he should be criminally indicted for fraud". Word.
  16. It may be bizarre, but you have to admit that it was very creative on their part. Most of those very same things they said could be said over here as well (with a few word substitutions).
  17. This is a schizophrenic video of sorts. Why? Well, it's a song I can't get out of my head, but I wonder if I should have saved it for next Thursday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATXV3DzKv68
  18. You better get your gag reflex going, because I'm sure this will bring back memories of when you were younger. :sick:
  19. Believe it or not, I would wear an orange shirt every St. Patrick's Day when I went to both GCC and RIT. Either no one thought anything of it, or they talked behind my back, but it didn't matter to me anyway. I could have put this guy up for an avatar. :D Take your pick (and "neither" is not an option).
  20. If I didn't have to work, I'd take your beer in a heartbeat. That's the joy of being Protestant! :D
  21. It's all about TV ratings. Besides, I don't know why people think that basketball is all that great. But you're right. All those things that you mentioned are extremely annoying. Sorry about your kid. Hope he gets well soon. Now, my complaint. Telling my dispatcher that I don't have the hours to make on-time delivery, and yet they still insist that I do the load anyway. Um, helloooooo! You're back at headquarters over a thousand miles away, you've never driven a truck, and you don't know the traffic patterns where I'm at. (can't reveal current location, but it is somewhere along the I-95 corridor heading toward south central PA). I've been doing this trick for almost eight years. I know how to plan my trips and I know when something isn't going to work. But hey: I guess I'm just a dumb truck driver who isn't paid to think.
  22. I admit that hardly anyone here likes classical music (It's amazing that WNED-FM is still in business notwithstanding after all these years). Granted, I've heard better performances of this piece from other orchestral groups. However, this piece alone stirs up certain emotions in me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kjvB1lzZyk
  23. So did you like my avatar or hate it?

  24. So do you like it or hate it. I'm missing something here.

  25. Was Jim Cantore separated at birth from this guy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PDIBTS_xDQ&NR=1
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