I'm with you there. It is sick and disgusting how some people have an IDGAF attitude over such animals. Just because I tilt to the right doesn't mean that I have no feelings toward them. To me, they're another majestic display of God's creation.
It's another thing altogether when an animal runs out in front of me when I'm doing 65 and I'm loaded to the hilt. I can't just swerve to miss that thing. (Happened to me a few years ago when I was near Bristol, Tennessee when a woodchuck ran right out in front of me. You don't have to ask who won.) It can take me up to 6-8 football fields to stop, and even longer if I'm going downhill. At any rate, animals don't think like humans do. Their sense of danger awareness is much different from ours. If they want to cross the road without thinking that they're about to get flattened, they'll do it.