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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. I'm just about done with reading Christless Christianity by Michael Horton. Aside from the Bible, it is one of the most powerful books I've read in a long time.
  2. It doesn't take a philosopher with a Ph.D. to figure out that we all reap what we sow. That's pretty much common knowledge and common sense. Then again, many people are either blind to the fact that vain ideas by the likes of Kant, Nietzsche, and Sartre (to name a few) have had serious consequences upon all of humanity, or they would prefer to ignore such a caveat to their eventual peril (as Dr. R. C. Sproul had pointed out in a lecture series titled "Consequences of Ideas" a number of years ago). You might want to follow your own advice. The same kind of "practice" that was allowed to happen in both the Greek and Roman empires also led to their downfall. History has proven that when such things have been given mainstream acceptance and approval have wound up wiping out entire cultures and societies - and it looks like history may be repeating itself. Imagine these words ringing true, and people several hundred years from now reading this post, seeing how Western culture basically destroyed itself, and them saying, "Man, that guy was right. Many like him tried to warn them but they wouldn't listen. Now they have nothing to show for it except for their own self-destruction."
  3. Well, since you mention it, THIS IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! www.en.rian.ru/society/20120607/173899632.html Now, if only our duly elected politicians would actually have the balls to stand up to a possible 1% of the American population that wants uber-rights to throw their perverse deviancy in everyone's faces. As it is, I am a firm believer that the long-since dead citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah aggressively advocated "gay rights." Look at where it got them. #justsayin'
  4. I have no idea why this tune popped in my head the other day.
  5. No, not at all. There is nothing wrong with being conservative. I was just pointing out some of Flynn's conservative attributes as opposed to the founder of National Review. Here's more on Flynn for your perusal. Stars Fell on Alabama was written by Carl Carmer, who was a NYS native who spent 6 years as a professor at the University of Alabama in the 1930's. From what I'm reading so far, he experienced a unique set of cultures throughout the state - both good and bad. Then again, Carmer strikes me as being a tad bit liberal - but it's not enough for me to throw the book across the room.
  6. I read somewhere that John T. Flynn was so conservative that he made William F. Buckley, Jr. look like a neocon liberal. Now, to try to get the thread back on track to the topic at hand, I'm reading Stars Fell on Alabama by Carl Carmer.
  7. It's been a month since I came off the road. Training is going well, I got my first fuel terminal access card yesterday, and I'm home daily. F'N FANTASTIC!!!
  8. Talk about power! This really stretches my oktavist prowess.
  9. Now that the Flyers got eliminated last night, this song popped in my head:
  10. Not your traditional Star Trek them song, but it's really grown on me.
  11. I just about lost my breakfast this morning when I read the following: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/pastor-joel-osteen-romney-obama-are-christians-i-see-mormons-as-brothers-in-christ/
  12. I can't help but not get out of my head since Confederate Memorial Day is being observed today in Alabama.
  13. Speaking of outlaw country, have you ever listened to David Allan Coe?
  14. I officially came off the road on Wednesday and I start my new HOME DAILY job on Monday. F'N Fantastic!!!
  15. I hadn't played the CD that this song came from in quite some time. Now I can't get it out of my head! :D
  16. :lol: :thumbsup:
  17. The USSR's brazen and systematic method to rid the country of all semblance of religion, and how it's been happening in the UK by more subtle means.
  18. I'm glad you liked it. Now, as long as the Caps lose the next two and we win the rest of ours, I'm going to make that my profile pic over on Facebook once it's all set in stone. I can't wait for my MIL and her other son in law to see that b/c they're really big into AO.
  19. Speaking of food, has anyone tried haggis?
  20. Next Friday can't come soon enough.
  21. Two things: 1, I'm very sorry to hear about what happened. 2, were criminal charges placed against the driver of the boat?
  22. This happened in 2004, and it's been fought out in the courts ever since then. All the different interest groups that are involved have their own grievances on the matter, and have turned it into a circus (not in a good way either). Having said that, the long of it and the short of it is that I am allowed no more that 11 hours to drive in a 14 hour period. After that 14 hours is up, I have to take a 10 hour break. If I max out my 70 hours allowed over 8 days, it is possible that I could take what is known as a 34 hour restart and that will restart my 70 hour clock. I hope this best explains it for those who aren't in the trucking industry.
  23. It is for this line of work. They were up front about it with me. As it is, DOT regs allow for no more than 14 hour workdays, so this actually goes under the wire. As for being in my own bed each and every night, I can't wait. I've been out on the road for almost 9 years. I'm done with the Interstates and being hundreds of miles away from home. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see my wife's reaction when I broke the news to her earlier today.
  24. I wish I didn't have to wait until Friday to post this. Got a call from a local fuel tanker trucking company that wants to hire me on. Gets me home every night. 12 hour shifts. 5 days a week. Pay would be about the same (if not more). Granted, the responsibilities are greater because of the product I'd be hauling and delivering, but it sure beats being out on the road for 3-4 weeks at a time.
  25. This is one of my favorite songs from the 80's. Love it. Can't get it out of my head.
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