I hear ya. I'm still rather active on FB, but I've had to either step back or unlike a few pages thanks to some uncouth comments from people who should know better - especially those who claim to be religious. I won't even mess with Twitter - given the widespread amount of shameless and unfiltered adultery on there.
Thanks for that perspective. I admit to being apathetic after that loss to Detroit on home ice.
IYO, do you (or anyone else FTM) think that the loss to the Red Wings may have been a turning point, or is it too soon to tell?
Have you read the comments on that video? They're hilarious!
That may be true. I've seen some videos of Billy Sheehan playing bass. He's great, but not even close to this!
My wife and I are really loving the church we've been visiting over the past 3 weeks. It's not big at all, but they've made us feel really welcome. Plus, we love the solid preaching we're hearing.