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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Yes, I know it's Fox News. Feel free to read this with a grain of salt if you want. https://www.foxnews.com/health/massachusetts-coronavirus-patient-improves-after-plasma-treatment.amp?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral&dc_data=3631961_samsungdaily-foxnews&ui=2f97bddb-78be-47ac-aba0-511d8618badb-tuct59b2e66&plId=Fox News Card
  2. Here's a link for all of you. In case anyone accuses the website of being anti-science, nothing could be further from the truth. They have bonafide Ph.D's from reputable universities on staff. https://answersingenesis.org/what-is-science/do-creationists-reject-science/
  3. Exactly
  4. Exactly. The KISS principle. No need to complicate things and make it a bigger mess than it already is. @#$%^&*></#%##!!!
  5. Depending on theology, the problem of evil can be extremely difficult to explain. As for the gal being a self-proclaimed Satanist, I am not the least bit threatened by it. Even the whole 666 thing doesn't faze me. It's all about how the Scriptures are processed systematically, and having a knowledge of the history behind what was written.
  6. YUP!!! I'm glad I shed that skin. I'm not putting it back on me. As I told Tondas, we just need the unadulterated facts. Ringling Brothers is out of business, and we're not here for the narrative circus.
  7. We already filed our taxes before Mnuchin announced the 3 month deadline extension. So, not only did we receive both our federal and state refunds, we also received the stimulus. Since I'm able to work, we're not spending all of it.
  8. FogBat

    OT - Comedy

    Brilliant phone prank!
  9. Ty Pennington and Property Bros., eat you hearts out!
  10. I couldn't have said this better myself. Frankly, I'm tired of narratives - regardless of sides. Just give every one of us the unadulterated facts!
  11. Yes, Neil Peart was quite the bibliophile. He had a voracious appetite when it came to reading.
  12. All the proof we need that when something is made idiot-proof, someone else comes along and makes a "better idiot". https://apnews.com/4ac3679b6f39e8bd2561c1c8eeafd855
  13. I've been saying that for years. ?
  14. So totally not planned...
  15. FogBat

    OT - Comedy

    A few weeks ago, there were posts about boobies. So, here's a clean one.
  16. No offense. I just don't observe Lent.
  17. For anyone who has an Apple device and likes to colo(u)r, look up Amuseum Coloring. It only works on Apple, not Android.
  18. I make it a point to tell people that I'm from Buffalo, not NYC. Quite a world of difference. But I feel like I'm also digressing as this would be a topic for another day and thread.
  19. From the AP: https://apnews.com/4f0a4ca93cc2fee94d386efb13db31a0
  20. Rarely will we find a well-balanced man who can also reconcile such complex things as well as reconciling the difficult passages in Scripture. While Reformed Theology is not perfect by any means, I'm convinced that it best explains the Scriptures and humanity as a whole in the best possible order due to its highly systematic nature and technical outline. Some good authors that explain it best are Dr. Greg Bahnsen, Dr. K. Scott Oliphint, and Dr. Cornelius Van Til. (I personally do not believe that "social justice" is the answer to cure society's ills, especially if we look at things in an Americentric context. I've talked with a lot of people from different parts of the world, and I come away from just about every one of these conversations with the impression that we don't have a clue just how good we have it here in America.)
  21. Mrs. CC and I spent the past day and a half doing spring cleaning, and I put together an L-Desk along with lateral file drawers to help her with her online business. Our place looks so much better and functional now. Plus, doing the bulk of the work yesterday kept our minds off of the four year anniversary of her miscarriage.
  22. FogBat

    OT - Comedy

    There's a comment on this video from Barney Five-0.
  23. A curmudgeon, perhaps? If that's the case, he was supposed to get a support role in the Grumpy Old Men movies, but Jack Lemmon beat him out.
  24. Good catch! Same thing is happening with some states' governors. Just sayin'.
  25. And this: https://apnews.com/68a9e1b91de4ffc166acd6012d82c2f9 The fact that they waited 6 days. At least 2 different approaches. You be the judge.
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