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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Ugh! That time of year again. The Return of the Killer Windshield, 2020 edition.
  2. Add this to PSE’s already disastrous PR department. #WeAreAllDuane
  3. Sad to hear about this.
  4. Not sure if your reply was tongue in cheek or not. Either way, we put together an herb garden. We could put in either 3 more herbs or small plants. The goal is to eventually grown our own fruits and vegetables within our climate.
  5. I just spent this afternoon putting this together.
  6. You’re not missing anything. But, hey. That’s what they get for not making something as good as Labatt Blue.
  7. I’ll take Loganberry over that p!sswater anyday.
  8. Unlike most men my age, I still have a full head of hair. Unfortunately, it’s also as thick as a lion’s mane. Having said that, the salons are still closed in Virginia. I have no idea when they’re going to open back up, but I’m going to have to do something soon before I start looking like Giorgio Tsoukalos with UFOs flying around my head.
  9. I figured it was applicable here than in a different thread I started a few weeks ago.
  10. I admit it. Alex Jones was right after all.
  11. I just read this. That’s hilarious! Worth more than two birdies in a bush. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when Daddy got the news. Speaking of Dolphins, my wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s Day. (Even with all of her miscarriages, she still believes that we’re parents.) I told her I’d like an Amazon gift card so I can buy books on Kindle. She said How about a Dolphins Tua jersey? I gave her the How Dare You look. Then I asked an inside joke: how about haggis? Next thing I knew, her ice cold hands were around my rib cage. Talk about adding insult to injury when the boss knows she’s wrong but won’t admit it! That’s ok, though. I can ruin future moods and not have to get a room.
  12. That gal is DEFINITELY not my type...
  13. I’ve been making progress on a blog I started at the beginning of the year - even though I still struggle with being disciplined with time management.
  14. Have you seen the weather reports and radar for the northeastern US?
  15. Wow. There’s definitely no shortage of such miscreants in life.
  16. I was being facetious. I figured that both were cringeworthy. As for this Dr. Mikovits and other CTs, why do they come across as being as non-transparent as the very same people they accuse of being? How many skeletons do they have hiding in their own closets?
  17. Was it as bad as “Friday” by Rebecca Black?
  18. I just thought of this. Reminds me of the concept of Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. I haven’t read it, but I’ve heard about it. I read the Wikipedia article about her. If everything in there is true, two things come into play: 1, there’s money to be made in promoting CTs - regardless of the dangers and risks that they pose. 2, she has a serious axe to grind after losing her job (with cause) a few years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Mikovits
  19. Hmmm. Methinks I should have posted this in the Religion thread.
  20. LibriVox is a great app if you’re by yourself and don’t have access to certain books. I’m listening to Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin as I drive.
  21. Got it. I apologize for being condescending. WND is World Net Daily. The Blaze is Glenn Beck’s multimedia company. Both tilt hard to the right, and both have been known to fail fact checks.
  22. Would you rather have me cite WND or The Blaze?
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