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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. Exactly. We don't need an Eklund redux.
  2. Welcome to our world, Steve Dangle. Now deal with it!
  3. Sure. An athletic cup that has some dude's name on it so that way he's protected from a flying puck hitting him square in the squirrel's stash of nuts.
  4. So, it was off the top of your head. Got it. No problem. It happens to me too, but it normally doesn't involve hockey. But since you mentioned the "cuddle time", that was a hilarious description! We tend to have our periodic male soap opera on here that seems to resemble the sporadic Red Green reruns. Ah, such are the days of our lives on here.
  5. @SwampD you're a far more knowledgeable hockey poster than I am. So, I really want to give you the benefit of a doubt that you started this thread to get under the skin of the team's FO/ownership. If not, then I know that you're much better than this.
  6. IIRC, preservationists are such a strong lobby in BFLO. It wouldn't surprise me if they fought to the death to keep the Skyway, in spite of the overall consensus of its antiquity and uselessness. But, hey. If they can get rid of the notoriously dangerous Father Baker Bridge, then there's hope.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, isn't he persona non grata for all intents and purposes? Just like back in the days of the Old Rockpile, right?
  8. They're building a new one just south of Detroit. I hope it serves as a wake-up call to either fix or replace the Peace Bridge.
  9. https://images.app.goo.gl/HQqSG4R7VQs3UopP9
  10. It's tragic that nine people were murdered in San Jose yesterday. One of the victims was a Sikh. So, why do I mention this? Because, from everything I've read about Sikhs, they are some of the most loyal and disciplined people I've ever read about and met. https://abc7news.com/vta-shooting-san-jose-mass-victims-taptejdeep-singh/10701050/
  11. It's a toss up for me. Brooks had to get his men ready for an Olympic tournament in less than 9 months (give or take), whereas Tikhonov already had a highly experienced squad to work with that had a very intimidating reputation.
  12. Sometimes, it's a crap shot, as in, getting lucky when they roll the bones. Say what you will, but I thought this article provided valuable insight.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/how-have-the-pegulas-gotten-things-right-with-the-bills-but-so-so-wrong-with/article_b8194e40-b8ef-11eb-8c38-77a618d29880.html&ved=2ahUKEwiilJSQy-rwAhVKGVkFHT8BBoMQFjAAegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw1WmGO7YeRvEfI9pUxvXV8T
  13. I'm ambivalent about the Sid option. Sure, he has a wealth of experience; but he's one of those players you either love or hate without the reputation of being a bush league player like Matt Cooke or Jarkko Ruutu. As for coaches, bear with me on a pipedream. If either Herb Brooks or Viktor Tikhonov were still alive, would you want either one of them as a coach?
  14. Sid isn't The Kid he once was. More like Sid Vicious.
  15. I remember the days when Julius Rudel and Semyon Bychkov were BPO music directors. Just when I thought that the latter put the orchestra on the map, Faletta has blown both of them out of the water! Granted, the BPO may not have the name recognition like the NY Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, or even the Berlin Philharmonic. However, they can compete with the best of them.
  16. My wife wants me to take her to an Alabama concert in Nashville in early July. It's their 50th anniversary tour.
  17. Now THAT'S a scary thought! Man! We can't ever keep our tuna "dolphin safe", can we?!!
  18. I'd prefer to forget the General Panzer era.
  19. Those days will return. We just don't know when.
  20. So, the other day, Mrs CC and I had to go to Charlottesville. On the way back, we stopped to get a couple of bottles of pop. She tried to open it, but she couldn't. (In all fairness, she's been having some issues with her hands - but that's another story and we are not seeking outside medical advice at this time). So, i tried it. I couldn't get it to budge either. I let my mind wander for a few seconds. Pocket knife won't work. We don't have any tools in the car. Wait a minute! We do have jumper cables! I got them out, hooked up one of the alligator clips, expanded the inside handle, and, voila! Cap opened, happy wife who laughed at my suggestion!
  21. I actually love it! I don't think Mrs CC would appreciate seeing the trumpet getting flattened by a steamroller.
  22. Still having Facebook withdrawal symptoms. And yet, it feels better to be more productive personally, and to not get involved in any drama on there.
  23. If only those critters had been caught and then released in a petrified forest...
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