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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. And how much Intel is inside?
  2. Amazing how slow some people drive in the middle lane and hold up traffic. They drive like Geraldo Rivera reports.
  3. Who? Is this a Robb Stauber redux?
  4. No. David Ayres. https://youtu.be/QFnQ0dcaBUI
  5. And, WADR, that's your entitled opinion.
  6. Honest question for all of you: do you believe that the Pegulas love losing seasons?
  7. Welcome Back, Kotter.
  8. I honestly think that taking a few years off from this place actually did me a lot of good. I've been trying to pay closer attention not just to the team, but also to what every poster is saying when I get a chance to get on here and get a better understanding of their hockey sense. It goes without saying that some are balanced, and some are not. I can tell that some are not pleased at all with the off-season moves based on their POV. The added gray hairs on my lion's mane have led me to take a wait and see approach instead of calling for the GM's head like I did with Darcy Regier in the past.
  9. Reality is that they will get at least some credit. That's just how things work. I mean, wouldn't you if you owned a championship team?
  10. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I had to do a double take to make sure I was reading Caggiula, and not Caligula.
  11. Indeed. It's getting older than Rip Van Winkle.
  12. I'm trying not to lose it, but I am not feeling good about next season. I'm not about to throw KA under the bus, but it seems like the insiders are clearly not happy with what he's done in the off-season. If you really think this is bad, let's not forget when Drury and Briere skipped town. That may have been the beginning of our downward slide.
  13. I remember when the Stastny brothers caused us many fits when they were with the Nordiques.
  14. It can be challenging to keep up, especially with the inside hockey posters. It becomes a game of half dozen of one, half dozen of the other. It's one of those things where I just can't go all in on one side and stick to certain talking points even when I know I'm wrong or have lingering doubts.
  15. If anything, at least Granato knows hockey. It's in his blood, especially with brother Tony and sister Cammi. General Panzer, er, I mean, Ralph Krueger, had a philosophy that just isn't meant for the game. The long of it and the short of it is that it goes without saying that we all desire to see not just immediate but also long-lasting positive results. The 2018-2019 St Louis Blues are an excellent case in point.
  16. I admit that I was being facetious in my metaphor. Agreed on the crap shoot, though.
  17. At that rate, we might as well have gone mining for diamonds in Arkansas.
  18. Font Size 1 on Microsoft Word.
  19. I hope this makes your day:
  20. I hadn't even thought of that. Having said that, I feel like this place has a lot of friendly fire going on. Some of us are calling for patience, while others are acting like Varuka Salt and want their Stanley Cup now. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!!!
  21. This was talked about quite a bit yesterday, to much glee and satisfaction.
  22. I understand your concern. ATST, let's not forget that Victor Olofsson was a 7th round pick.
  23. Exactly. Just watch who says what. We each have an established pattern, whether we'll admit to it or not.
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