Some people don’t advertise their private lives, just like some people don’t broadcast their level of education or their careers.
Having said that, my hope and prayer is that he gets the help he needs and has sought out.
I'm hoping that we'll get Matt Milano back in time for next week. I can't imagine how painful a hamstring injury is. Having said that, I think you're right about the lame posts that will follow after next Sunday night. There isn't a dime's bit of difference between that troll and a jack@ss.
Fantastic to hear about a band earlier this week that has really made a huge impression on me; so much that I shared one of their videos on the music thread.
Also, there's bound to be some joke along the way that I'll never forget:
Well, see, here's the thing. I go through NJ a lot for work. I reminded some of them how their teams did last year compared to the Bills. Looks like that will happen again this year.
So, New Jersey has 2 football franchises. Neither of them have won a game yet this season. NYS, OTOH, has 1 franchise, and that team is now 2-1.
I would hate to be a New Jersey fan right now.
No need to apologize - considering that someone else found my reply to you to be funny.
Either he will get his comeuppance someday, or he will never learn.
I don't know why they would want to spoil this thread. You and many others are way more knowledgeable about hockey than I am - and I will admit to that any day.
Please take a seat and be quiet. Your posts are painful to read, you're pretending to know something about hockey when you won't admit that you're clueless about the game, and, last but not least, they're stucking fupid.