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Everything posted by Noacls

  1. Tkachuk PLEASE!!!
  2. CT fab who would you keep over McCabe? Sabres would be aloud to keep 3
  3. Wow, some great ideas being thrown around. Trade Samson and go after Vanek. Is this the Twilight Zone? 4 people I would never trade: Jack, Samson, ROR,Risto, and you can possibly add McCabe to that, who with a little patience may be a stud. Vanek is a bum and always was,unless he was on 3rd line
  4. Thanks huckleberry. WGR evening show is saying they have to protect all three.
  5. Can someone please tell me if the Sabres have to protect Moulson, Georgeso, BogosIan? Thanks.
  6. I'm offended that your offended,that he is offended, and they are offended
  7. How can any landfill be a good thing? There is evidence that NOAA and NASA cooked the books to further the global warming fraud. Ice core analysis shows there was just as much green house gas when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. I'm all for clean energy but the tech has to be there.
  8. This thread makes me want to buy a F-350 diesel, have my heat on 76 with the windows open during winter, and my AC on 60 during the summer. The fallacy of global warming!
  9. When does it start? Tv coverage?
  10. I hope Toronto gets Stamkos so he can screw their cap situation. I may be wrong but I don't believe Stamkos is half the player he used to be. I would rather be able to keep all of Sam, Jack, Risto, McCabe, Zach, Kane, ROR, and Gus. All those guys make major scratch or are in line to do so. Fill in the rest with trades and youngins.
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