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Jacque Richard

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Everything posted by Jacque Richard

  1. Eddie shack or Tracey pratt
  2. Making money with both teams.
  3. Agree. They better get their act together real fast over there.
  4. Supporting these losers!
  5. Pegula has two losers on his hands. Pretty sad. We deserve a lot better
  6. Their a bunch of dogs over there. Sad team
  7. Murray should feel the heat. I hate the way they play. Timid team.
  8. Time to blow it up. Pissing off the ticket base real quick
  9. Pegulas teams both blow and time to wack all involve
  10. And lacking fire as well. Finesse team
  11. Still somewhat of a fan, however I don't sit in front and watch them too much. Tends to be the same crap over and over again from both franchises
  12. There are better things in life do then watch unfilled sports teams
  13. Not the same player anymore. Doesn't add anything to the lineup st 165 lbs
  14. Losing faith in the Buffalo sports teams. I thought Dan B would have the Sabres flying and scoring. Far from a playoff team
  15. Starting to wonder if the head coach is the right guy for this team. Not impressed with inept goaling scoring
  16. The head coach
  17. When does Murray make a change here. One goal a game doesn't cut it. Very disappointed with their production
  18. Craig rivet says the Sabres should make this rink tough to play in. Ya right!!
  19. Been a fan since 70 and their hard to watch.
  20. My optimism is waiving right now with Sabres Wear white at home might change their luck
  21. Too much talent on this team not to score
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