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Jacque Richard

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Everything posted by Jacque Richard

  1. Murray team all the way
  2. too busy eating Paula's donuts I guess
  3. Harrington tweeted 75 points no way
  4. No I would on you
  5. We get the message about smoking. Stop now
  6. Slide over disco, Terry is the boss now
  7. Okposo is happy he signed here I bet
  8. Sabres on the warpath
  9. Kane ever look to pass the puck
  10. Mike Babcock has got it better
  11. Hire Patrick Roy joking
  12. At this point wrack the whole staff
  13. Gus Bradley got a ride back
  14. Terry Murray taking over
  15. Tuned out the coach
  16. Niagara or Canisus might give em a beating
  17. Ted could get them playing better or Ron ralston. Does Brad May wanna coach
  18. 70 goals and counting
  19. Their in real serious trouble boys
  20. Their lost the players are
  21. Maybe 1 goal or two for these stiffs
  22. Sure is used to see Eddie Murphy in OP all the time. Rick has a black jeep
  23. Keep it going guys. Gotta start fast. Sure!!!
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