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Jacque Richard

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    Muscle cars, music

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Third Liner

Third Liner (4/8)



  1. I haven’t been on a vacation in years. Might head over the ny beer project.
  2. The Sabres have a lot of work to do, their really just so young. Patience here. I feel phil is an outstanding Christian man, give him more time and we will be rewarded. God bless him
  3. Here are my thoughts I’ve been a fan longer than sds and the other person, this a message board. I haven’t used bad language. So you don’t like my comments. Do you do that to others as well, NO That ok for you but not for anyone else here
  4. Oreily knew something, and said I gotta get fook outta here.
  5. You could fired the the whole team and the next group would do the same thing I have a feeling. Buffalo beauts would be their lazy ass.
  6. I’m not gonna call anybody out. How long have we heard this. It’s been going on since Pegula bought it.
  7. Buy into the system. Lol. You guys have quit. Work ethic there isn’t any.
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