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Everything posted by Beer

  1. Perhaps... we’re all smokin’ thinking this team is going anywhere.
  2. Lines are changed up Frolik moved to Larsson line. Boo kovi boo
  3. Dear Ralph, pretty please put Skinner on Jack’s line in the second.
  4. I watched all three games. I was hoping to see Jack do some end to end plays (Especially in the game against the Pacific) but he was giving Pasta the lime light. It was nice to see him placed on the top line for the Atlantic. He’s getting his due. I had to laugh at NBC cutting the audio every time BJ at libbed during the American Idiot chorus. I’m with Doohickey, the song message is spot on for the times. The year the NFL had The Rolling Stones was the last halftime event worth watching. Every act since, for every sport has been garbage.
  5. Bogo needs to be put out to pasture. WTF dude.
  6. let’s pound the buns off these guys! go Sabres!!!
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