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Everything posted by Knightrider

  1. :worthy: :worthy: I was annoyed he upstaged Farrah the day he died... I just can't believe it is still in the news.
  2. Why doesn't Taro T post more? ;)
  3. He's usually in bed by now. We Mods talked about it earlier. You're a Fourth Liner. Keep up the posting and maybe you will find yourself bumped up to the third line...
  4. Is that a promise?
  5. 1. Complaints about Buffalo traffic. ;) 2. Verizon. I called in a work order for the downed phone lines due to our little ice storm. They put it on hold since won't work on this stuff till the power gets restored. The repair said to just call back once the power got turned back on. Well I did that, was told that it was in the cue now. I waited a day, and called back since nothing happened to get an idea of the backlog. This rep said it was on hold pending power restoration. :wallbash: 3. Ice. This was my front yard and driveway.
  6. I never thought I'd be glad to see a maple leaf. Glad to see you!
  7. :sick: :sick:
  8. Massachusetts is debating whether to raise the tolls an the Mass Pike (I-90). There was this big buildup about how it was going to happen right before election day, then last week... It didn't happen... yet. Now they are talking about a 9 cent per gallon gas tax instead, and eliminating most of the tolls. 1. I don't work in Boston, and use the Pike only once in a while. 2. There is no plan to remove the toll booths even if they did eliminate the tolls. That means there still will be backups, and the tolls will be reinstated someday, and, I'll be out about $3 a week to help the guy with the McMansion in MetroWest pay his tolls.
  9. You should be coming next weekend with the Sabres and Bills in town!
  10. Looks like it'll have to be up to Tampa to keep'm miserable. Definitely a bad realtor... If that was what the bulk of my taxes paid for, I'd be proud to pay it. Thank you for your service. :wallbash: The root of the crisis are the social engineers like Barney Frank, not Reagan. Reagan did not encourage equal opportunity lending. The banks didn't start those lending practices till the Clinton Administration. Banks didn't make those loans till our government told them they would guarantee the risky loans. My complaint: I have the gamecenter online package and the streamed video is a 4:3 aspect ratio in a 9:16 box.
  11. I'm too cheap to get pizza delivered... :ph34r: Why does it have to be a nice, sunny, week and then rain on the weekend? Why does someone call a meeting and and expect people to hover around his computer? Schedule a conference room! :wallbash: is ballwash about 75% of the time for me...
  12. It's more of a guess than anything, but, what about creating a new favorite/bookmark? How's that for timely service? :ph34r:
  13. Mandatory ESD training for a facility with inadequate lightning protection...
  14. Um, yeah. :blush: Sorry, I have a new PC (my first Mac!) at home and pretty much forgot about this. IE7 had no hangups, but there was a script syntax error on line 82, I think. It had to do with an ad.
  15. Works in IE6 on my work PC. I will try IE7 tonight. My guess is that there is something blocking the script that pops the info box up.
  16. I don't know if the prices are in your range, but, icejerseys.com has them.
  17. I just noticed that myself... Props to Scott! :worthy:
  18. Some forums have pic posting privileges and some don't. You should see the attachment option in 300 club...
  19. Thoughts from the game- Anybody record it? I'd love a copy. Somewhere around a third of those in attendance were Sabres fans. Very, strange, but cool. We were nearly surrounded by Sabres fans. Some from Lancaster, Lockport, and a guy who grew up on the West Side who let his ~9 year old son be corrupted into being a Bruins fan... When the B fans tried to chant "Lets go Brew-ins", it would get drowned out by "Lets go Buffalo." I expected to hear "Lets go Buffalo" but not to the extent that I did. I think it was the group JCBoston was talking about, but they were loud all night. As for the game, wjag predicted it well. It was pretty tight. If the Bruins played every night like they did last night, and the refs put their whistles away like they did, they'd probably make the playoffs. They were the better team in the first 10-15 minutes of the game, and I think they were playing hard the whole game. The PP goal by Drury via Stuart was intentional. Campbell was cut off by Stuart and heading to the net for a rebound. Vanek must still be recovering from the flu. Didn't even notice him until the 3rd. Briere got crushed twice, maybe 3 times. Chara was upended about 15 feet from me, and I think it registered about 5.2 on the Richter Scale. The Pominville goal developed right in front of us (see the pic). Pretty cool seeing the play develop from that view. I'd hoped to see a lot more of that type of execution. Kotex just doesn't seem to belong on this team. He just seems out of sync with everyone else. Make sure there is someone there to cycle it to before you clear the zone for the other team. Please? Max is a lot of fun to watch, even if he didn't quite get the shot off. I was hoping for a Mair-Primeau rematch, not Boyes-Lydman. Even before I noticed the fight Toni had already had blood on his face. I half wondered if he'd been sucker punched. Biron played a very good game. In the second period, he reminded me of Miller because he just always seemed to anticipate where the puck was going. He always seemed in position. If Miller gets hurt, our SC hopes take a small hit, but hope is by no means lost. Mrs. KR talked about calling the sitter after the first, but was convinced not to. When I asked after the second if she was going to call, she said she wasn't really worried, she just missed them. :D (Truth be told, I can hardly wait till they're old enough to appreciate going to a game. West Side's boy got a puck.)
  20. :D We actually have been out 1 or 2 other times, but grandparents drove a minimum of 2.5 hours to sit. This is the first time a non relative has watched them, though, which should be interesting...
  21. I hope so. I'll be there, Section 21, Row 2! It's the first time my wife agreed to get a sitter. The boys will be two in April... :ph34r: I see another rout also. The Bruins look done.
  22. Wow! Pominville get a shorty!
  23. I must be the only one who likes it. :chris: It's new, and probably some skill or software refinements are needed. New stuff typically has bugs, but I think they could be worked out. Having Turco wired for sound was a great idea. He played very well in spite of the distraction, and was hilarious at the same time. Of course, that distraction was the reason Brodeur played so interestingly. :w00t: After seeing his play last night, I am starting to like the idea of making the trap an illegal defense. Compared to the play of the other 5 goalies last night, Brodeur had no business being on the ice. Lehtonen or **gasp** Emery would have better represented the East last night. (Full Recap)
  24. Listening to Bettman, did anyone else get the feeling the schedule didn't change because Pen's location is likely going to change? I don't think I'd be very happy right now if I were a Pens fan...
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