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Everything posted by clintwestwood

  1. And you would rightfully sit a game as well.
  2. I want someone to put Neil through the glass tonight, and knock him out afterwards for good measure. And I hope Jack dangles Nion Dion right out of his skates.
  3. The new Bowie record is fantastic. What a somber record, by a man who had clearly accepted his fate. Takes great strength to release so personal a record while dying. Also WC, I see your bet and raise you this, off his most under appreciated record.
  4. Broke a rule most teams have in place. Sucks because he's been on a role lately, but this is a team of young guys and everyone has to be held accountable. Take the 1 game and don't make the mistake again. Nothing else to say here.
  5. Benicio Del Toro confirmed for Episode 8. My excitement could not be any higher.
  6. When Lehner is on, he's arguably the best player on the ice. When he's off. he's really off. Both of those things scream young goaltender with serious skills coming off of a serious injury to me. His future and our future with him are bright if you ask me. Having him and Ullmark going into next season is a great position to be in.
  7. Exactly how I feel about Lehner. Having to possible #1's going into next season isn't necessarily a bad thing. But when Lehner is on he's the best player on the ice.
  8. Made it home just in time to see that PK, couldn't have looked any better killing those two. Colorado's strategy is pretty stupid though if you ask me. Basically only point shots on the 5-3. Was Eichel's goal as fantastic as I'm picturing it based on the descriptions in this thread?
  9. Chad what the was that? You can't make a worse play as a goalie.
  10. Both hits were unnecessary garbage, but the first was worse. Dragging the leg is a lot worse than hitting a guy with his head down. Both penalties, both with the intent to cause harm, but the first hit was way more obvious that he was trying to do damage.
  11. Lehner shouldn't even still be in the game. Not doing anyone any favors here.
  12. You can make up your mind about a guy in 8 games? I'm jealous. He's been unreliable in the last two games, after losing a super frustrating one in Boston, and I'm sure he hates the consistent lack of goal support he gets. 5 PP's, no goals. Doesn't matter how great your goalie plays, you aren't winning if you can't even score one goal.
  13. Lehner has under 10 regular season games played in basically the last year. When he's on he can be our best player on the ice, and a ton of the past GDT's show that people agree with me. He was hung out to dry on the first goal. Should have had the other three. But he takes his own bad play so personally it kills him. Saying it's the worst trade in Sabres' history or he's a complete bust at this point has to be a joke, right?
  14. You can tell Lehner lets poor play affect his overall performance. He needs to get out of his own head.
  15. Almost everything I'm seeing tonight makes me want to put my head through a window except Bailey.
  16. Legwand didn't even try to get back to cover the man there. And another goal as I type this.
  17. Really glad I got one of those nice red McCoy jerseys Christmas :doh:
  18. That second fight, where Kane popped him with the quick left with the sweater holding hand, what a beauty. His legs went out from him immediately. And that quick jab to cut him in the 3rd was just as pretty. Kane is showing that even though he might not score every night, but he's going to make sure you hate playing against him. A guy who can combine his mentality with 20+ goals is a serious asset for a young team.
  19. Seeing Jack banging on Samson after they called that a good goal has me so excited for what these two are going to become together. I love Jack with some fire.
  20. I love how Kane's first move in every fight is to try to get the other guy's helmet off. I would rather fight anyone on the team than him.
  21. I just got up to make a sandwich and I come back to 2-0, wha happened?
  22. Panthers look slow tonight, whole team looks flat. Let's get a win so Mt. Lehner doesn't explode here boys.
  23. I feel like Lehner is going to explode if he doesn't get a win tonight. And I love that about him. As someone who is almost, by my own admission, unhealthily competitive, I love having a hothead like him on the team.
  24. Man I love Lehner. He always looks like he wants to kill someone, and plays well enough to earn the right to have that attitude. I'm becoming quickly convinced that he is our guy.
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