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Everything posted by clintwestwood

  1. Kane from Jack and Samson, love hearing that.
  2. Great eyes by Jack to see Kane slinking around behind the goal. Hopefully this gets them both off the slight cold streak they were on.
  3. Johnson looking solid so far, 4th line putting in some good work as well.
  4. It was the first time I had been super involved in the process and I loved it. Really addicting to genuinely know you changed the adopter's and the adoptee's lives.
  5. Last week Sunday I helped my girlfriend, who runs a dog rescue in Toronto, with her first adopt-athon. Basically a local pet store gives us the back two rooms of the building to bring in all the adoptable dogs, and people can come in and fill out applications for a week long trial, during which the potential adopters can choose to adopt the dogs or bring them back if they aren't a good fit for whatever reason. As of today, less than a week later, all 8 dogs have found forever homes with awesome owners. Even better, these dogs were all rescued from horrible situations in the Dominican, where they had basically been sentenced to death. Helping an animal that deserves all the love in the world is a really rewarding experience, and is definitely awesome.
  6. Thumbs up for everyone mentioning Bloodborne, best game to come out since Dark Souls in my opinion. There's no company better at building a world that is disgusting yet beautiful. The recent DLC is even better than the main game in my opinion. As of right now I'm enjoying going back and playing Uncharted 1,2, and 3 on the remastered collection. Fantastic games that are just bottom line fun to play.
  7. No disagreements there. He just wants to win, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just don't want him psyching himself out is all.
  8. It's less in the face a more in body language. If you go back and watch the Detroit game, you can see the frustration in the way he lifts his stick and skates back. It's anger at himself, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I just want him to be able to forget a move on instantly. My patience is there too, this kid is going to be great and I'm glad we have him.
  9. I'm not saying it's not warranted by him being young and still learning the NHL game. I'm not disappointed in his play at all, I just don't want him to be disappointed by his own play either. At least visibly. His play will definitely develop over time and I can't wait to watch that happen. I just don't want to watch him try to overextend himself and get frustrated when he can't make plays that other players would only dream about.
  10. Hey all, first time not so long time here. Recently found this site while browsing for some Sabres info during my long days at work. The only thing I want to see in this game, besides a win, is less visible frustration from Jack. The last few games, especially the Detroit game, it's been really easy to tell how annoyed he is with his lack of output in my opinion. And not in the ROR "better because I'm mad at myself way". I like where the team is headed, and I think Jack will be just as important to this team as ROR is the somewhat near future, I just don't want him to get too angry at himself and make stupid mistakes for the sake of getting points and making fancy plays. I think our team as a whole will benefit from the short holiday break after a tough first almost half of the season, Jack especially.
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