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Everything posted by clintwestwood

  1. Sounds like you haven't been asking the right people :flirt:
  2. We're playing the best team in the east, with 8 players over 20 points, and aside from the last 4 minutes of play I have no complaints about our play the last two games. Sloooooow down.
  3. Big bad Ovi going after Ennis, really showing his strength on that hit :rolleyes:
  4. Man Risto is so good, and I like the passes by Jack tonight, but man I really just want to see him rip a shot on goal on a one timer soon.
  5. Caps left themselves screwed with that change, but still a great pass by Jack. The fact that Holtby almost saved that shows how good he is, that's a surefire goal on most NHL starters.
  6. I just can't see the similarities between Snoke's theme and the music playing when Palpatine speaks to Anakin about Plagueis as a coincidence. They're basically identical except for a pitch or two. And the specific references to Snoke being wise again harkens very specifically to Plagueis. I can't see them making such obvious references if that wasn't the route they're going.
  7. I personally liked Kylo's instability. Vader was a cool customer in the original trilogy, rarely letting his emotions get out of hand. Kylo is the opposite, and it's definitely by design. His character still has completed his training, referenced specifically by Snoke when he said he needs to come to him to finish said training. I have a feeling by the end of the trilogy he will be a force to reckon with. And I hope they're bold enough to make him a character far past redeeming. I don't need another 3rd act turn, I want pure evil all the way.
  8. My only thought process to justify that is that Luke was placed in that position to specifically become the "New Hope", whereas Rey would have been put there by Luke to be as far away from the conflict as possible. The Jedi knew that Luke was their last shot, whereas Luke wants the exact opposite for Rey. I think the awakening in the title is more so to show there was an unexpected awakening in the force, as opposed to a designed "New Hope".
  9. Caps with 8 players with at least 20 points is blowing my mind. How deep is this team?
  10. That's about as bad a penalty as you can take.
  11. When it comes to the gameplay of TLoU, it's really only fun if you play on the harder difficulties in my opinion. Running around blasting everything with basically unlimited ammo kills the tone of the game. Whereas on the harder difficulties, you're scrounging for every shotgun shell, arrow, and crafting material. They nailed the hopelessness of a 20 year post apocalyptic world perfectly.
  12. Missing out on one of the great all time games, in story as well as gameplay and setting. My girlfriend, who hates video games with a passion, gladly watched every second of me playing that game. It really pulls you in, but man is it depressing.
  13. Going back and playing The Last of Us on grounded mode. As someone who platinums most games I really enjoy, I'm up to 35 now, I usually beat games into submission. But grounded mode is no joke. Nothing says tension like one bullet in your shotgun, a brick in your hand, and 5 looters ready to shoot anything that moves in front of you and safety.
  14. Kylo killing Han was his final step into the dark completely. In that scene, half of the shot is white, the other half red. The moment Han is stabbed the white light is wiped out and everything goes red. That's not just symbolism for the sake of nothing. Him killing his father was him cutting ties with the one thing that kept the struggle alive. It's clear he doesn't know about Vader's turn, he still worships it as a powerful symbol of the dark side. And he struggles because as it's explicitly stated he hasn't completed his training yet. He is undisciplined and angry. Watch Vader in the first two movies specifically, he has his emotions in check and is all business, due to the intense training he received from Palpatine. A lot of people think he should have easily disposed of Rey in that final fight, forgetting he was severely wounded by Chewie's blaster, a weapon that basically blew up other members of the order, and was weakened by Finn's best effort to stay alive and protect Rey.
  15. Han is dead. He was stabbed through the chest with a lightsaber, and fell into the core of a planet. As much as I hate watching a character I grew up with die, that dude is super dead. We never saw Obi Wan's body because he turned into a force ghost.
  16. A few things here, mostly just my opinion. 1. Snoke is Plagueis. They specifically reference him as wise twice in the movie, which Plagueis was/is known as. Also Snoke's theme is basically exactly the same as the theme played when Palpatine was talking to Anakin about Plagueis in Episode 3. Would make sense since it would make him the bad guy behind the scenes of all 9 movies. 2. R2D2 definitely woke up because Rey was present. Rey is Luke's daughter. That lightsaber is specifically passed down in the Skywalker family. 3. At the end of the movie when they show Luke, it appears as though he's standing in front of a makeshift grave. Probably belonging to his wife. In my opinion Ren turning to the dark side wouldn't be enough to send Luke into exile, but his pupil and best friend's son killing his wife surely would. He then wiped Rey's memory and took her to an almost uninhabited planet to protect her. 4. As safe as this movie played it, I kind of think they had to do it this way to prove to people that they can make a Star Wars movie without complete botching it. JJ wasn't brought on to reinvent the wheel, he was brought in to make an awesome, endearing movie that gets people excited for the franchise again and he did it. Episode 8 is being directed by the guy who directed arguably the greatest single episode of tv ever, Breaking Bad's "Ozymandias", so I see Episode 8 taking a dark left turn much like Empire did, and taking a lot more risks.
  17. As someone who played MGSV to completion, that's a tough question to answer. On one hand, MGSV mission structure is like Peace Walker. It's an open world but you choose missions from a menu, and they range from taking 10 minutes to an hour to complete. Some are longer story missions, others are just short side quests. But at the same time the gameplay for MGSV is so damn good and so perfectly refined once you get started it's hard to play anything else. You're going to run into the same "problem" with Uncharted. The gameplay is so good and the chapters run in to each other, so it's hard to find a good place to stop. MGSV being cheaper might seal the deal for you though. You really can't go wrong with either.
  18. 1. Coaches challenge can only be used for goaltender interference. 2. Shrink goaltender equipment, I don't need form fitting, just reasonable. Mostly the pads. Maybe even just the pads. 3. Call penalties the way they're supposed to be called. 4. Kicking motion is fine in crease.
  19. Couldn't have said it any better myself. People expecting the world from this team or Jack this season were expecting too much in my opinion. We expected either the best or second best player in the draft, and a talent that doesn't come along often. We have that. And the Sabres are performing as good as anyone with reasonable expectations should have thought they would. They are an almost entirely new team, with new lines, a new coach, and an entirely different gameplan and play style being taught. The team as a whole is relatively young, and have a lot to learn. Games are fun to watch again, we're competing with sometimes great teams on a nightly basis, and there are legitimate stars emerging on this team. The short holiday break will do this team a lot of good in my opinion.
  20. From the way the situation is being handled, especially by Stamkos, it just seems like he doesn't want to be there anymore. It's something I feel like doesn't happen in hockey like other major sports, at least publicly, but I'm sure it happens enough. Liking tweets regarding your own trade rumors doesn't really scream happiness to me.
  21. Listening to WGR on the way to work this morning, the seemingly inevitable Stamkos trade talk was brought up by Howard Simon. Robitaille asked if Simon would want to make that trade, to which he immediately said yes. Robitaille then began naming players, ROR and Risto specifically, that would be almost necessary to include in that deal. Simon, using his infinite hockey wisdom, somehow didn't think those two players would come into play for a trade. So my question is, do the Sabres even have the pieces to make that trade? In my opinion there are 4 untouchables on the team, Jack, Samson, ROR, and Risto. Even with those players on the trade block hypothetically, does anyone actually think GMTM would make a trade for Stamkos? I just don't like what we would have to give up for him, and I don't think GMTM would like it either.
  22. Jack gets mauled and no penalty :huh:
  23. Nice pinch by Risto on that. He really is the real deal.
  24. Amazing shift by the 4th line leading to that goal. Pressure everywhere, good battles, perfect set up.
  25. Kane has to put that on net at least, that's as good a pass as you're ever going to get in that situation.
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