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Everything posted by Winston

  1. Very cool! Now here’s the important question for you- how are the bike routes near the new home?
  2. If you double-take at this headline, you aren't alone: Yankees Acquire QB Russell Wilson from Rangers http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/22357092/new-york-yankees-acquire-russell-wilson-trade-texas-rangers
  3. Didn't you hear the big news? They dropped the dash from their name!!!
  4. That's enough for like 10 Costco Memberships!!!
  5. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.
  6. Do I have your attention yet?
  7. Lehner looks like he trusted his size wayyyyy too much there. He seems to do that so much. He made no effort to get to that shot, yet seemed surprised it beat him. Like it was obviously going wide and catching boards. Until it hit mesh.....
  8. His first three goals were all beauties. The fourth one, not so much :w00t: It's at 1:38
  9. I had a comical conversation with my dad yesterday on this topic. Long story short, I'm planning some corporate events for my new company here in Columbus. Being the hockey fan I am, I would LOVE to incorporate the Blue Jackets somehow. My dad mentioned how the Sabres have the Alumni Wine Festival where you can meet Sabres legends while enjoying local wine and food. Maybe Columbus has something similar?? I told him the idea sounded like a great one, barring just one thing: the Jackets were founded in 2000, so their alumni are currently on the trade block for the New York Rangers, not attending wine tastings!
  10. No worries- it will take me at least that long to convince my wife that Jack belongs on our walls... I don’t have a man cave yet, but I’m already collecting merchandise for my future lair. In the meantime it still has to go up on a wall, right? :D
  11. Well, if you insist... I would definitely put this on your Etsy store. At the very least you’ll sell two to Taro and me :P
  12. I thought of asking, but I figured she might want to use it herself once the Eric Wood retirement isn't so recent :)
  13. Wrong thread, Josie. That belongs in the Awesome section!
  14. Are you feeling well? You’ve never typed his name in lowercase letters before ;) I wonder what Laine’s goal chart looks like. I’ll try to find one.
  15. Just thinking out loud here... I think Sunday nights are for ratings/ad revenue. Your hardcore fans are watching whether it’s Saturday night, Sunday night, or Wednesday at noon. But your casual fans might actually have other plans for a Saturday night. No one does anything on Sunday nights. You’ve got every set of eyeballs in America free and on their couches.
  16. They sold Wardynski’s kielbasa at the Sweethome Wegmans in Amherst when I lived there (2012-2016). I can’t say I ever noticed if Wardynski’s still has a dog on the market. But I bet they do. A buddy of mine doesn’t eat pork, so he got me buying all-beef hot dogs awhile back. Got me hooked, I really enjoy them. Nathan’s makes a fabulous beef dog. That’s my go-to if I’m not grilling kielbasa or andouilles.
  17. Making Chicken Philly subs for the game tonight. I think you know why.
  18. Wardynski’s kielbasa is still around, I know that much. I’ve eaten far more pounds of that kielbasa than I will ever admit :) but they also make/made hot dogs?
  19. “I think I hit his knob twice.” -Eichel
  20. Wowza.. Watch this clip at the 2:11 mark and tell me it was accidental :doh:
  21. Pounds upon pounds of pulled pork, pulled chicken, and smoked brisket for lunch today at work. Little corn pudding on the side didn't hurt either. And there are leftovers to take home. Don't mind if I do!!
  22. Gudas' last suspension was 10 games. Is there precedent for a player-safety suspension ever being lesser than a previous one? Has he established a "suspension floor?"
  23. Stop me if you’ve heard this before.... Dirty hit by Gudas tonight: https://twitter.com/morning_skate/status/959234100082151424 Some think he didn’t see Palmieri behind his teammate. It’s awfully hard to give him the benefit of the doubt
  24. Gonna disagree here.. I think Nylander and Bellows are pretty close in terms of value. Definitely same tier prospect at this point. I don't think anyone considers Bellows "one of the top prospects in hockey." He's somwhere in that 25-50 range. And I'm a HUGE Bellows fan. Would love to bring him in.
  25. This is the best idea you've ever had. I will print and mail to the NHL. It is worth a stamp.
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