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Everything posted by Winston

  1. Homes with longtime family stories like that are cool. My parents’ house has a rich history. The original house was built in the late 1800s. It was later inherited by someone that didn’t like the layout. So they tore it down and rebuilt on the same foundation in the 1930s. Then in the ‘80s, it was inherited again. This time they liked the house, but not the location... so they moved it about a half mile across the street on tractor trailers. So if I’m in the basement, my surrounding are 40 years old. On my way upstairs to 1930s farmhouse charm, I pass over wooden beams from the 19th century. My parents are the first owners outside that original family. The folks they bought it from moved into an RV full time and travel the US visiting their kids.
  2. My dad has sent me pictures of him drinking Cookies and Milk.. Very cruel of him!! Unfortunately that’s as close to trying it as I’ve gotten! He typically stays away from stouts/porters, but he really enjoyed this one. Glad you enjoyed it too! You’re not allowed to drink bad beer on your birthday :D
  3. Cool! Gotta be a relief when “as is” is accepted as “as is.” (what a weird sentence that was grammatically...) Here’s to hoping you get a little money back for those remedies ???? This week I have been thinking about the first house my wife and I went into contract on. It was a week just like this one, with pretty much constant rain that ranged from drizzle to downpour. The day of the inspection was particularly miserable. But it played to our favor.. turns out the foundation was leakier than Robin Lehner in a shootout. Further investigation showed that the seller had covered up major water damage. The detached garage had roof issues as well. We bought a condo built on a slab instead... no basement issued here :P
  4. Fun fact: only 34% of US workers get Presidents Day off Not fun fact: the Sabres think they are part of that 34% :(
  5. I don’t know how Lehner got hurt. I was at the Kings game and I didn’t see him move his lower body once!!
  6. I was going to make a joke like “keep an eye out for the 6’6” chiseled guy...” But let’s keep it real: if you see 10 pounds of Eichel fan stuffed in a 5 pound Eichel sweater, I’m your guy!
  7. Made the trip up to Buffalo last night. Well, made it as far as Hamburg where we are staying with friends. I’ll be there in my Winter Classic Eichel. Wish he could have seen me wear it :P
  8. The game tying goal was a silly attempt by Lehner. For a guy that normally trusts his size to a fault, I have no idea why he didn't trust his size there and instead went for the barrel roll. OT winner wasn't on Lehner at all though. No goalie makes that save. That's the best passer in the world, setting up one of the best one-timers in the game today, with a man-advantage because Kane mentally traded himself 5 weeks ago.
  9. Maybe you guys heard about the two cops shot and killed in OH last weekend. That was just a couple towns over from me, maybe 20 min. Obviously that is FAR from an awesome situation for this thread. But what is awesome is pulled pork. And people with big hearts. And people with big hearts that serve pulled pork! A local BBQ joint is serving "pay what you want" pulled pork sandwiches all weekend.100% of donations going directly to the officers' families.
  10. @ink https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/medium-rare-chicken
  11. I've often pondered a similar registration process. But there are more guns in the US than there are cars. And guns aren't public-facing like cars are, so law enforcement would never find unrenewed/uninspected/unregistered/un-whatever guns like they do unregistered cars. It would be a monumental task. I don't think the infrastructure exists.
  12. I do a lot of purchasing for my office. We've had our main company CC compromised in the past, so now our accounting dept creates these "virtual" cards. It's handy! I haven't ever tried it for personal use though.
  13. I tried to do this immediately after my ankle surgery last year. I took the first dose of the oxy they prescribed me. When it came time for another, I felt pretty good so I switched to Tylenol and went to bed. Turns out I just felt okay because my nerve block lasted wayyyy longer than I expected. Once the nerve block wore off, Tylenol was no match and I woke up in a world of pain. I switched back to the strong stuff for a little while. Those made me feel terrible though. I took half doses. Full doses made me a bit woozy and made my heart race. To avoid oversharing, I'll just say that even the half doses brought my digestive tract to a screeching halt. I had no issues kicking them. But I made a conscious effort to get off them ASAP. It's messed up that the human body is wired such that it can get addicted to such nasty stuff.
  14. Nationwide has one with a $250 deductible where 90% of any vet expense is reimbursed. Anything. But it's pricey, around $1000/year for the breed/age of my dog. So I would have to spend $1400 before I started seeing a savings. Obviously if something major happens, it's worth it. But I took her to the vet today and only dropped $380. That should be it for the year- I had physical, blood work, intestinal exam, the few vaccines she needed this year, and a year supply of both heart worm and flea/tick meds. There are others that cover way less but are obviously far cheaper. All seem to have a $125 to $250 deductible. If I'm only spending $400, I might led it ride until she's older (only 2 and in perfect health now).
  15. Those jeans are 400x too tight to ride a bicycle. But who am I kidding.. I've got an Eichel avatar and username. That dude paints his pants on :P
  16. If you live in a hot market, Zillow is great to see what WAS listed. And that does serve a purpose. It's great to see what an area has to offer, what comps are going for, what taxes are like, all the pictures, etc. But if you have honed in on an area and want to see available listings that you could actually purchase, then forget Zillow. In a place where homes fly off the market, Zillow is days and days behind. "Active" listings were active <5% of the time we asked our realtor about a Zillow listing. So it's really just a false hope. Caveat being that we were looking in highly desirable suburbs of a major city.. Most listings in our price range sold the day they were listed. Mostly cash offers. Zillow may prove far more accurate in cooler areas where houses sit on the market for days or even weeks, as opposed to hours :P
  17. I love the real estate talk, but here's a break from it... Do you guys have pet insurance for your four-legged friends?
  18. Interesting.. that’s a 97 point pace.
  19. Kucherov Namestikov Sustr Vasilevskiy Budaj This is not a good match-up for Rayzor.
  20. I'm sure it will work out! Just will be stressful when you're in the limbo. Unless you can close super quickly, I'm assuming you'll have a transition period where you're between homes anyways. I've had a couple friends/coworkers that did that recently with success. Moving twice sucks, but if you find you find the right home, then those two moves will be the last for awhile. *when I say I had friends/coworkers that did "that" recently, "that" is living somewhere temporarily between houses because they had to move out before they closed or even found their new home. One found a sublet. Another worked out a short term lease with an apartment complex.
  21. Sorry to hear that one didn’t work out. A good home inspector is worth their weight in gold! The first home we went into contract on turned out to be a polished turd. It was an older home, but on the surface was in good shape and very charming. Inspection turned up tons of stuff: bulging foundation walls, water damage, electric issue similar to those you mention, radon in the basement... It was incredibly frustrating at the time, but looking back it was the best $500 I ever spent. And I love where we wound up. Way better than that original place. What’s the status of your current home? Was your acceptance of the cash offer contingent on this other inspection?
  22. Cringe worthy game of tic-tac-toe at a recent Blazers game...
  23. But he went to college!!! All kidding aside, this is an interesting observation. I skate once every couple years. Never skated in a hockey game. So this isn't something I would pick up on. Thanks for using your in-game skating experience to share this. I'll rewatch and try to see it from this perspective.
  24. My office supplies these for all employees. They are awesome! The entire surface moves up and down (there are two motors- one for each leg). You can have four pre-set heights (which is really too many, I only use two: sit and stand). I don't stand enough though :P
  25. I made risotto for the first time the other night.. Never attempted it before because of the time commitment. But it sure was worth it! We've, your mole sauce sounds incredible. Never made that before. You've inspired me to try it out, maybe with a pork tenderloin in the crockpot. Hopefully the slow cooker facilitates a similar flavor transformation that your 3 horus in the oven did.
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