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Doctor of Philhousley

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Everything posted by Doctor of Philhousley

  1. Agreed. This seems like the right kind of acquisition. High reward with little risk. He's off the books in two years and the cost in the trade should be low. I have a hard time understanding why this is a bad idea.
  2. As someone who has a few trips to Quebec City under my belt, all of this (minus the gambling of course) may be suboptimal compared to the sights in that historic city. The passion that community has for hockey should have been a factor in this decision as well. Carolina, Florida, Phoenix, and now Las Vegas will all struggle short and long-term, yet the league will continue to deny QC is a viable market.
  3. Game of thrones has been as the kids would say off the chain this season. The pace is really what surprises me, Sansa is running from the Boltons and an episode or two later she is at the wall with Jon Snow. Wait we don't have to follow her through the country side for half a season? How about the mother of dragons busting out of chains (see what I did there?) in 4 episodes? Hey, what's my boy Baelish up to? In five minutes, we are informed and his group is heading to the wall. The biggest gripe I've had through all of the seasons was Theon's torture. I understand that we need to know what is happening, but it sure looks now more than ever that those scenes just filled time in episodes. You torture him once or maybe twice and we can assume that it continues off-screen. There are plenty of other examples of slow pacing, but this season feels like all of the fat has been cut away and we're left with only important plot advancements.
  4. This is optimal - Mike Emrick's voice being lost within the crowd noise. I would prefer he pipe it down during all games, it is his voice and maddening high word output that drives me away from whatever game he is calling.
  5. This, you've hit the nail on the head. His voice is the worst!!! Also Pi, you've got to change that Avatar. My eyes FOREVER UNCLEAN!
  6. How have we've spent almost a full page on NBC's coverage and how it is "killing the game" and not mentioned Emrick OR Milbury? I am compelled to turn the volume down with Emrick and the channel with Milbury.
  7. As Mike mentioned, offing Tuco would have put Nacho in an extremely difficult position. This is a long-game approach as things can change in the years Tuco spends behind bars. Don't forget that this is not all charity as Mike did receive prize money following his one-sided boxing match.
  8. Somewhat disagree, I think Mike sees a parallel with Nacho and his son. Mike understands what offing Tuco likely means for Nacho. He is making his decision for him.
  9. Balderdash, I just got a pair in 100s including fees for 65 on shmubhub.
  10. GED nailed it...There's no reason to put O'Reilly against McDavid last night. Another criticism is his "system". The defense is not involved in the offense and instead prepares for the turnover by playing back or dumping the puck for a line change instead of controlling play (even if you must retreat with the puck) and making changes.
  11. I flipping love your gameday threads Wildcard, including this one, but tonight my focus is not on a win. It is on watching what we all hope is Lemieux v. Gretzky compete in their rookie year. How cool is that? If Connor and Jack get me out of my seat a few times I will be happy on the drive home. Also, this was my first choice in this year's ticket draft...Taking my father to the game, and cannot wait for face off. Go Sabres.
  12. Doesn't the kid almost always come first? I received plenty of advice that the kid should stay at home (games, Disney, whatever) because they will not remember the event. What about parents' memories? It is really flipping cool to have a little one hand a baseball to a player and get an autograph. My four year old can also be a handful and I wasn't sure how he would act at a Sabres game. From 1 hour before faceoff until foligno scored the empty netter his attention didn't leave the ice. He knew immediately when Eichel scored, he didn't want anything from concessions, in fact all he wanted was to watch the sabres. Sometimes you luck out, sometimes the kid cries because the music during a break is too loud.
  13. Agree 100% with PA here although I do not understand why the players association does nothing to address this culture. What is the rationale for protecting the aggressor, when the cost is indirectly encouraging future incidents?
  14. Neko Case at Asbury Hall in a few weeks. I can't imagine a better pairing (incredible female voice in a beautiful church with great acoustics). Her band is something else too.
  15. Every single time I go to sabrespace and click on a thread Brawndo has to post something. Then I have to see Brawndo's avatar and it inevitably makes me feel like less of a man. Is it just me?
  16. Agreed and have for many years. Don't forget how lazy that guy Jagr has always been. It is almost the opposite is it not? I guess I only think of the great Euros, but really Lidstrom, Federov, Mogilny (who still played until he was 80)...How is this a stereotype? Is it because they were/are generally adverse to being concussed by hockey pugilists?
  17. I vote Cody...Opposing forwards have a free pass to the net if Cody Frankfurter has to pivot and engage in a footrace.
  18. I know it is a day early for complaints, but I'm kind of bummed I missed the recent opportunities for the ROR tea sip AND the Bogo fighting face avatars . Congrats to you BRAWNDO. Is my tooth avatar novel or has it been used by others? Not that it is all about me!
  19. this!!! This is my biggest disco Dan gripe. How can we trust him if he does not see the fault in this 'strategy'?
  20. That 2 on 1 turned into a 3 on 0. It was certainly not "played perfectly".
  21. tonight I'd describe their game as wild.
  22. Unsure about earlier comparisons of wild & devils. This game has been very entertaining.
  23. Congratulations ikp!!! How did you celebrate?
  24. Make the blue line on the way in to the offensive zone the same as it is on the way out. Once the puck is within the blue line you can do a triple salchow and still be onsides. No kicking (dangerous plus weird/awkward), but I do understand your frustration there. Make goalies smaller with equipment and this really shouldn't be difficult. Smaller equipment can still be safe. Personally, I hear JW and others immediately dismiss larger nets. Why would increasing the height by 1-2 inches and width by the same be a bad idea? Maybe 1 puck every other game goes in because the net is a little larger. You would not visibly notice the difference, but actual shots from the slot and beyond would go in with a little more frequency.
  25. Weird, I don't remember the last time the sabres had a full 5-3 down by 1 in the third.
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