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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. fk is that pass from reinhart Let's go miller! NICE SHOT
  2. That is loser mentality right there, sorry but your dead wrong.
  3. How come it's not important to win anymore this season? what? really?
  4. You do realise we had the worst coach of the century right ? If you dont know how to use your tools, you aint building jackshit. We are definitly not in last place because of these players, we are in last place because we had a coach that has destroyed any of confidence players had in them selfs or in this team at all. We had a total waste of a system, eventhough the players are professional players they are also humans just like you and me, hired to do their job as told to and if your boss is telling you to clean the toilette eventhough you could grow the companys productiveness with your skills elsewhere, you gonna clean the toilette instead because your boss told you so and your skills go to waste. Taylor Hall and Eric Staal are very skilled players, Eric Staal hasnt missed a single game last 5 seasons as far as i know, and Taylor didnt become mvp for no reason. They were used completly wrong and the team was built and coached like trash. Montour is a offensive D, but he was also beeing used wrong and coached wrong, the skills are there no doubt. If you wanna blame someone here you should blame Kev, Pegulas and above all Ralph Kreuger. These idiots together created the biggest trashcan we've seen in the history of NHL when looking at what players we have on paper. Enough said.
  5. Listening to Kev Adams now.. holy FK this dude is a full blown idiot. No joke. Fire this bum yesterday pls
  6. Never reported a topic before, didnt know, will do from now on though if it comes to this point again.
  7. Can we please close this thread now
  8. This is not only pathetic to say the least with trading Taylor to BOS, first you prove that you were dumb enough to sign him for 8 million 1 season (sigh for a bad deal), then you ratain half of that just to get rid of him months later for a 2nd and a nobody. I mean, what is this GM doing?! Kevin Adams is really stupid. Taylor Hall is a catch if given the right tools. I think he will succeed in Boston, let's see. But with that said, If Kevin Adamas cant do what is necessary to retain Linus Ullmark im fkn leaving to.
  9. It is way to early for this conversation to even take place.
  10. If they somehow can prove to Linus that they honestly believe in him he will stay and prove to all what he has been fighting for all these years down in the mudd. He will grant this org a cup
  11. Yey, good win to boost the little confidence this team is earning now. This will be huge for next season if they continue to play like this
  12. You do know we wasted a 1st on this guy right? LOL.
  13. Acquired for Guhle and a 1st traded for a 3rd good business Sabres RIP?
  14. Everyone is going to remember Ralph. You serious?
  15. To ask a question if Granato is good now is not a legit question to be honest, it's not even close to be a fair question. What is obvious though is that anybody would do better than Ralph. Ralph destroyed any confidence this team had left from last season, and the signs were already there, that this stupid idiot would destroy this team.
  16. No way this is happening.
  17. Would never work against a good team though. When you look how they play it's very AHL, stupid risks all the time. But hey, for now ill take anything.
  18. It's so sad though, what a shitshow. Imagine if we had a coach that could've coached this team correct from the beginning im 110% sure Taylor would have been a huge success.
  19. Im pretty sure Ullmark want to stay. It's not all about money for him, the return must be pretty much a 3 year plan and that he is involved to be the starter. Otherwise Linus will move to a team that believes in him as n1.
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