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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Between Rickard and Ralph, yes you are correct.
  2. He isnt anywhere close to Rickard Grönborg, he doesnt even know how to win, he has won some useless mounatin league in Austria, thats it. This is a real bad coach imo and pretty much tells why Jbot went with him, they think the same, fancy cupcakes and words.
  3. Explain, since i have no clue and you do.
  4. I am litterly stunned. What in the actuall ****, Ralph Kreuger .. REALLY ?? I'm gonna say right now, what a incredible misstake by Sabres organisation, and i sure hope im wrong This is bad bad bad and utterly bad. May everyone including Freddy prove me wrong.
  5. Yea, maybe Botts have the same mindset as you, not saying its the wrong mindset and never have, all im saying is that everything envolves, so does hockey and coaching. I get it, the risk is big for a NHL organisation to hire someone that doesnt have experiance coaching within NHL, but come on.. its gonna happen eventually and when it does and it succeeds, this era of "You need NHL experiance to coach in NHL" is over. What does make Tippet better on paper than Bylsma ? ive read the stats for Tippet, they are not bad at all. Lets say Sabres hire Tippet, we end up last next season. What would your opionion be then? look for a coach with NHL experiance? honest question, not trying to be rude. Regarding Krueger i cant say other than he hasnt won anything in his whole career, he doesnt know how to win. This is a coach that doesnt know how to win on elite level, all he won was some championships in austria, a league that is twice as bad as ECHL, a real crap league. Gronborg on the other hand is a completly different story, but he is not material for Sabres any longer obviously since he has signed for lions, shame on Botts imo. So i guess i have to vote for Tippet aswell, he has made great success with less skilled players than what sabres have.
  6. No its not, it just explains how little effect it has on todays hockey that is beeing played. To me its about mindset, understanding of the game and how you use your skillset together with your weapons (players) Look at Bylsma, with such great experince speaking of wins and above all winning stanley cup. Still it went to, yea Dogsh-t. He is a perfect example of how little effect the actuall NHL experiance have if you cant get your system straight and handle your players or for that matter use your skillset as a coach.
  7. I really dont follow, i really dont. Obviously the NHL experiance means dogsh-t looking at where we are and been for years.
  8. How could they be terrible options? not like NHL experianced coaches in the past has been successful with Sabres. Gronborgs mindset is on a way higher level than these terrible coaches weve been having last years and yet you call Gronborg a terrible option, built on what?
  9. Dont know any of those 2, just know that Rickard is one.
  10. And still he goes with Phil. H, i rest my case. This team needs fire, this team need alpha, this team needs a ***** dad.
  11. Finally someone that is thinking outside the box. I like it
  12. So what is you guys opinion on not going with Rickard Gronberg ? way to much outside the american box?
  13. Shame Sabres wasnt in on this more, sucks. Rickard Gronborg has signed for ZCS Lions in Zürich
  14. He haa been living in NA for 20 years, been coaching quite much during those years in NA, go back 1 or 2 pages and liste to the 14 mins interview with him.
  15. This team obviously need strength in their next Coach together with IQ. I cannot speak of former coaches before Belysma, but dear god have i been missing pure maskulin personality, this team and town has a history of losing and losing and obviously that grows within core players aswell in their mentality. This is why i personally want a man that can lead this team on a level of mentality that grows on you. Phil Hously looks like momas boy that loves cupcakes to me, he does not have the mentality that i want to see, i want to hear a coach tell the truth no matter how much it hurts. I pointed out earlier that i like Rikard Gronborg for his mentality and how he see hockey, he is not afraid to prove his point and he does not hand out his wifes cupcakes after a loss, he unleashes his knowledge to the players so that they dont do that sh1t again. I see alot of good points proven in this thread, Keefe and Tippet for example and i trust you guys, u know these coaches way better than me and therefor i can only speak for my self and what i believe and know for a fact. Do not put disbelief in Rikard just because, he knows what it takes to win and he knows how it feels to win it all and above most he knows how to form a team to gain that mentality
  16. The movie was watchable at most, mediocre movie. The jokes were so bad that i was a shamed in the theater, give the movie 5.1 out of 10, mostly for the cgi.
  17. Woah, some fkn legit goals in this final ! ? Lukas Raymond, jesus christ
  18. He actually had two, both hips. Not that it matters, just saying.
  19. Sad day for us all, more or less. I feel for you, believe me. Since you obviously watch more amerks games than most of us, can you define what happened (?) zero heart from certain players have been mentioned, if i agree or not does not really matter obviously since i was only speaking of one player mostly and it sucks that he didnt prove you wrong Maybe sending players to a "dead" team isnt the wisest, i guess that has to be broken down to details, many details to be able to come to some sort of certainty.
  20. Rikard Grönborg ? did u listen to the interview?
  21. I would not mind Rikard Grönborg at all, most because he is the only one of the candidates that i know best. This guy is legit as fk, as most top coaches obviously but he really digs into players to find out how to use them at their best level, this is why he has been so tremedously successful as a coach, and he is very very respected for his mindset. I sure understand why he is not on most of you guys wishlist and i respect that, get to know him a little bit atleast
  22. I cant say regarding all sports, but regarding Hockey its a fact for sure. NHL would be just like any other hockey league if it were not for all nationalities, and these players would not be this wealthy, good or known all over the world if it wasnt for NHL, so the respect goes both ways but the sad part is that in most sports all country leagues stop when its world championship to be able to send their best players. This is where i dislike NHL.
  23. Yea well, it all comes down to personal investment to you, not to me. I love seeing my countrymen fight for my country. NHL is a league, thats it. Edit: So, Jack gets declined participating in WC, crashes with his car instead and never playes hockey again, and Sabres miss another playoff. Wheres the justification in that? You do realise how stupid this sounds right ? thats how it sounds to me, the problem here is NHL and always have been, it all comes down to money, which suck ass when its actually about sports and always should be. Damn ? would have been awesome!
  24. I dont follow, you mean that by beeing a class act your self makes it ok to treat other like trash? Dude, i know who you are trust me, i think i made that clear last time we met and that sure suprises me when seeing you act like this towards players that brought this team to the playoffs.
  25. What do you mean? who are you to trashtalk Victor for example ? u dont know this player at all. If anyone is acting like a child its you, pathetic to say the least. U dont know Victor, i do. So what, your basing your instinct from 1 game? where were these comments from you when he earned the player of the week, player of the month etc.
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