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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Dont be to sure. It will also depend on what coach they will hire.
  2. I might even make you a phat panny one day. And yes, im pretty sure Rikard would accept a assistant position if the terms is right.
  3. And still you were one of the guys that were ALL IN on Ralph, you personally bought into his bullsh1t 110%. " Posted October 13, 2019 I'm all in now. I don't know if we will be good enough to make the playoffs this year, but I firmly believe from what I've seen this year that there is a huge change taking place and the train is finally on the right track. Now it's simply a question of injuries, luck, goaltending streaks (ours and the opposition's) and how fast the prospects like Cozens and Asplund etc develop. " That is just one of your belowed quotes of your thoughts when it comes to Ralph. You literally loved him when he was hired. We disagree you and i when it comes to Rikard Gronborg, just as we did when it came to our knowledge Sabres was hireing Ralph. I cannot convice you, i really cant, so let's just leave it as it is now and see what the outcome is, no matter what we have 10 seasons in a row without playoffs, no matter what the sabres have tried they have failed and yet once again here we are. Rikard Gronborg is in my opinion the best choice this trash organisation could make.
  4. That is some legit sh1t right there. Fair enough.
  5. So, We already had this with Dan Bylsma did we not? Please take your time and read my thread about Rikard.
  6. I honestly do not agree with the trading part. I think Jack is one h3ll of a player and someone we should do all in our efforts to keep. Trading Jack for a good return or not doesnt matter to me honestly, because imo Jack is what we need and cannot continue without. Why?, because the damage that has been done is so deep that it is actually enough fuel if we reach playoffs.
  7. Id join you in a heartbeat if i could.
  8. As i said in the interview thread, Why not put them together?
  9. @LGR4GM These threads of yours is some good sh1t, no joke. Keep it up.
  10. Looks like they both are unsure what to do and need a middleground. This news is not good at all. Obviously Jack has no faith in Sabres, that is unfortunate. Hope it changes quick with Sabres hireing the right coach that can convice Jack to trust Sabres and stay.
  11. Like it or not as stated, most of you dont know Rikard Gronborg and u dont even care enough to research him and i totally understand that, with all due respect. And if you dont care to take 10 mins to read, then dont. But here it is and this is my take of Rikard Gronborg Rikard Gronborg 52 years old, married to Terra dawn and they have a daughter named Chloe. He has been living in the us for about 20 years, has both us citizen and swedish membership. Rikard Gronborg was not much as a player, he played as a defender and when you look at his career as player it is not impressive at all, we could compare Rikard with Phil H, but in the end we all know that what u did as a player dont really affect the way you coach (lol in silence @ phil) The coaching careeer of Rikard Gronborg really took the next step when he became assistance coach for Swedish juniors, he managed to affect everyone so much with his furious and instinctive and precise coaching that there was no other outcome that he would be the next big coach in Sweden, we all could see it over here and eventually he took over and in his first year as head coach he won it all. These are the players he coached that won world juniors 2012, and i believe u know some of them pretty well yea? Many players in this tourney is in the top of NHL today. After this Rikard went on coaching juniors for another 2 years before heading for the big game as head coach for the swedish national team. His first year as head coach he won it all, and then he repated that the year after. 2017 and 2018. Obviously the name Rikard Gronborg became very respectful and the reason for why he was on the table as head coach for Buffalo Sabres, same time as Ralph Kreuger. Unfortunatly Rikard Gronborgs ultimate dream got dismantled by Sabres choosing Ralph K. We all know what happened with that. Rikard Gronborg instead accepted a 2 year offer from Zürich lions, and he took them to playoff 2 years in a row and now he is once again as stated in another thread one of the ones been interviewed by Sabres. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here some quotes from Rikard Gronborg, Rikard Gronborg: " To me, it’s the ride itself that’s fun,” Gronborg said, reflecting on his coaching career. “It’s a journey that I’m really enjoying. No matter what level you’re at, just being able to support myself coaching hockey, which is a privilege itself, and then you are always trying for new challenges and stuff. It’s just kind of a situation where, am I lucky to do this? Yeah. But luck is also you prepare for the opportunity and the opportunity presented itself and I feel pretty prepared for doing this, and part of the preparation has gone through Great Falls. " Rikard Gronborg: " I’ve been in the US for quite some time, I’m a US citizen. I came over and played college hockey at St. Cloud State University. Probably the best time in my life with everything, obviously doing school work at the same time as playing hockey is a pretty amazing thing to do. After I was done I had three years of eligibility there, I moved back to Sweden, back to Stockholm and finished off my career there for a couple years. And when I got back to the US I went back to school and finished my degree at St. Cloud, and they asked me to become an assistant and that was my first year of dipping my toe into the coaching profession. That was almost 20 years ago and I’ve been coaching since then. The last 10 years I’ve been with the Swedish national team. I worked my way up from being a coach with the U18, up to U20, and now I’m the head coach for the national team. To make a long story short there, that’s kind of my career of coaching. I’ve coached in different levels in the US and Canada. I coached in different junior leagues in the US and I coached in the CHL one year with the Spokane Chiefs. " Rikard Gronborg take on why he maybe would fit in NHL, " That’s a great question. I consider myself more of a hybrid to be perfectly honest with you. I’ve coached against some great coaches in North America and I’ve coached against some great coaches in Europe. There are greats minds of hockey in both places. I think it’s just a matter of making a decision or going outside the box a bit for the decision makers and maybe having an interest in European coaches. The game is so small right now when it comes to knowing what each other is doing. It’s so universal, the similar things that you bring up, and I think we are all stealing from each other and the same thing with North Americans. I think it’s just a matter of time, I think it’s just a matter of the people who are making those decisions. There are not many jobs, first of all, I mean there are only 31 teams. I think it’s a two-way street of European coaches making more available and the decision-makers in North America to have more interest in European coaches. " Do you think NHL GM’s are too afraid because of the perceived differences in styles of play? The NA game vs the European game as it’s said. Rikard Gronborg: " I don’t think it is anymore. I think it’s pretty universal. Like I said, there is always certain things… with the Russian national team, or the Finns that’s kind of their DNA, or the core of their coaching, and the way they’re playing. At the same time, I think it’s very universal because when you get to those big tournaments, I’m talking the Olympics with NHL players or the World Cups or even the World Championships, with NHL players coming back to the national teams. They’re used to playing in North American rinks, against North American players, in a North American environment. And those are the type of players I’ve been coaching for the last few years, so it’d be kind of stupid of me to play the same way the Swedes did in 1995 and expect to have success that way. I think the game right now is so universal, I don’t think there’s a big difference. There is a tactical difference when it comes to a larger or smaller rink, but other than that the way you work on your players, the way you prepare your players before the game I feel is pretty universal. " --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another thing that i've mentioned more than once is that he is so utterly good to get beneath the skin of the other teams coaching staff. He has done this with perfection many times, he is a ***** beast and he loves it. 2014 vs Russia, he got under the skin of the russian coach so much that he wanted Rikard Gronborg to meet him outside. Sweden then won this game with 2-1 and went to the finals. 2 months ago in the playoffs two swedish coaches met and this was the outcome, he did the same here with Dan Tangenas, which ranted more than once that he thought Rikard Gronborg is a f-cking re-ard, and as i mentioned earlier in another thread when it cooled down they had a coup of coffee together. With all this said, Look i know im right about Rikard Gronborg, what i wish but cannot do is foresee the future about Rikard Gronborg and Buffalo Sabres, All i can say is that he is not some random "euro" coach that some of you might believe he is, he is a very very good coach and im sure he would do great in NHL, how good is for the future to tell but hey, it is what it is right now. 10 seasons without playoffs, this org need someone like Rikard Gronborg and if he get hired as HC, i will be here stating "i told you so" when we reach the playoffs. Atleast that would feel awesome, a feeling we all love when we are right with our opinions. Sure gonna suck horse D if im wrong, but im not. So spit on that boys,
  12. No offense, Gronborg. Gronborg is so damn good getting under the skin of the "enemy" coach, here is a clip from 2 months ago in the playoffs in the swiss league. They are both rly good coaches imo and the other guy is screaming to Gronborg that he is a f-cking ret-rd etc, they both ended up with a coup of coffee after the game though but yea.. Gronborg did the same with the headcoach of russia,
  13. Ralph coached in a trash league though back in the days, that league is like comparing echl and nhl with NLA. The swiss league has the money and quite good hockey indeed, and mainly the reason for most players that dont make the final step to nhl, same with coaches actually cuz the money is so good and Switzerland is a very nice country to live in - if compared to russia and khl when speaking money for example. But as coaches, Ralph and Rikard may have similar experiance from coaching on national level but the difference between them two is as huge as from you to the moon. Not even compareable. Rikard knows how to win, he knows what it takes to form a bunch of NHL players to a ***** lethal weapon, Ralph does not. Just saying. Granato would be great together with Gronborg. Im sure of it.
  14. You are correct, He has coached in the us before but near this level. But in order to succeed on a national level with a bunch of NHL players, on a short notice with a very stressful schedule you need to be really good at what you do. Coaching on national level includes a bunch of tourneys before the big one but its not like coaching a team with same players day in and day out for 7-8 months ish. Point taken, but weve seen succesful coaches in NHL fail on national level as well so im not convinced it only has to do with experiance from NHL today eventhough it sure as hell help alot knowing ur "enemys".
  15. Yea my bad, i ment experiance from coaching within NHL. They both have 4 and 3 seasons from coaching in NHL as far as i know, just not as head coach but hey go look at Granato, he did quite well with no experiance either, with a insanely broken team. I dont think its all about NHL experiance today, its just that its more common and in Sabres case its easyier to believe in than not.
  16. Where does euro hockey come from? Sorry but you are wrong in this one because you just dont know or care enough about Rikard Gronborg, and u know im right about that. He is not a "euro" coach and that is why he has been successful, because he coach like you do in nhl, he just mixes the experiance he has from "both" to be able to get as much as possible out of the current team he is responsible for. Listen, i wont argue with you on this one, all im saying is that please research Rikard more.
  17. What? Phil had 4 seasons with Nashville did he not? Ralph 3 seasons with Edmonton. Experiance, but not as actuall hc, which was what i ment with my question so my bad if my question was not that clear so to speak.
  18. Ralph has never won jack sh1t, Ralph sat as a chairman for a english soccerteam for 6 years and got hired for his bs visions. Rikard on the other hand has won big, more than once and is a hybrid coach. They are nothing a like my friend, Rikard was on the table same time as Ralph and they bought Ralphs bs unfortunatly.
  19. Who did sabres hire without nhl experiance as a hc? Enlighten me.
  20. I honestly cant see it beeing worse than the hire of Ralph. Ralph was hired exactly for the reason you mention, he had an idea, they filmed Ralph walking around the arena like a "god" speaking to staff etc, his vision was mindblowing according to many and everyone bought into his BS. A fragile, lost and such disabled org as the Buffalo Sabres are in need of a god d@mn saint, is Rikard Gronborg what they need? Yes, i firmly believe so. He is everything Ralph is not, do many agree with me? No. Not many were convinced Linus Ullmark would be something we wanted to keep when he was introduced to the team. Not many believed me when i said Viktor Olofsson would be the best powerplay weapon this org have seen in a long time, and now not many believe Rikard Gronborg is what this org need. It is what it is. All im saying without sounding cocky, i bet my life on that if Rikard Gronborg is hired ww will be in the playoffs with him.
  21. And now, we should pray
  22. To be frank, i'm not convinced by this theory when it comes to Sabres. The entire team was utterly very bad under 2 years with Ralph, at first Ralph managed to make the players believe in his total bs way of playing hockey, they got a 10 game win streak and everyone was cheering and trowing caps all over the place. Hell, he literally made almost everyone believe in his bs. (i never did, not for a second, and not saying this now knowing the facts) That is what it took for all teams to read Ralph like a ***** childs book, 10 games, Ralph had nothing to counter it with because he literally had nothing in his own book, it was this easy playstyle or nothing, it worked in a trash league in the austrich mountains that is worse than ECHL, but it sure as hell didnt work in NHL and we could all see it. This obviously made an entire sack of elite players to stop believing in his system and coching eventhough they are tought to always go with the coach no matter what. We could all see it on the ice, and in the end it would not have mattered if Jack was 100% healthy and we had another good goalie, we still would have ended up last or close to it. Because of Ralph.
  23. Could anything be worse than what is has been is the question you should ask your self.
  24. If anyone can do it it will be Rikard. He has the tools to coach on NHL level, he has been living in the us for 20 years and has the experiance required to succeed with elite players. But most likely this wont happen, this org is to keen to hire trash, aslong as they are mediatrained. Edit: I also believe that Rikard is the one that can make Jack take the leap to become the captain he should've been already.
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