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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. You out there that still believes in this cupcake coach, why is that? Dont come in here blaming it all on goalies eventhough they not been the best. We have had over 10 months to prepare for this, we have had all the time in the ***** world to prepare. And we look like a bunch of lost souls out there.
  2. Knew we would lose thise one, i read Ullmark played bad but seams we only had 20 shots on goal aswell so thats something right there.. god this team blows and the reason behind that is this annoying sh1t coach. I cant believe ppl even still have faith in this idiot.
  3. Endless conversation? sure gonna stay that way until this org turn things around. First, Sabres are the worst team and have not reached playoffs in a DECADE. Come on, what do you expect tom? Do you honestly believe ppl gonna keep taking sh1t for ever and just stay silent and hopeful? we're all humans, all different but we still share broken hearts to this god forsaken team - for good and bad. As i said - bad teams also win games, beeing bad doesnt mean you dont have talant which we obviously do but if you honestly believe Ralph Kreuger can get that out of this team your wishful thoughts will most likely be crushed. You were probably very hopeful last year among many others (correct me if im wrong) that Ralph was The man, the myth, the legend. It proved to be completly wrong. All he is and was, is words and good for publicity. Understand me correctly, there is nothing wrong in beeing hopeful at all, thank god for those who are but when looking at how he coaches this team i for sure see that it is not working as intended, it really doesnt. When i look into players eyes, how they behave on the ice, how they react in interviews, how they play the game - to me that looks bad, real bad. Maybe thats me sounding drastic and overreacting but it sure as hell doesnt feel that way when thinking about it for real. This team can only turn this around with a real coach that lives, breathes and would die for hockey - a coach that can make the players believe in his way or system so much that just know it's his way or no way no matter how drastic that sounds, until than this org will never succeed just because this thing with Sabres and disaster is to deep. Every player that joins Sabres know the history of losing and losing and losing, over and over and over - obviously it gonna affect the way you believe things will pan out, this is where a good coach can make the difference this team and org needs, just go look @ bills i guess? eventhough i dont know much about bills at all and might even be a bad comparison but that is what ive learned from reading posts here atleast. If we meet in April (doesnt feel like it now cause of covid situation) but if we do meet in these threads and us beeing in the playoffs then praise the lord my friend.
  4. I disagree 100%. This is no excuse, at all. It is just easy to blame it on this. The core has still been around since last season, they had over 10 months to prepare, they never had this long to prepare for a season and you dont need a full preseason to prepare elite hockey players, that is just plain bs to be frank. If that would be the case then all teams would suck at this moment and that is not true as you know, just look at Washington Caps with 2 rookie goalies and 4 top players afk. This is on Ralph alone (maybe adams a lil), he is the head coach and he have no ***** clue how to coach a NHL team - that is real obvious now. His results are mediocre at best, teams with bad coaches will still win games, but a good coach can make teams win more games just out of doing his job. Its that simple, really.
  5. This ***** moron is putting Mitts on first again.. Imagine Jack getting the news, "Hey Jack - im putting fortnite next to you, i think he deserves it" Talk about destroying any confidence the players have in the coach, if they even had a dent of confident in ralph it's most certainly gone now.
  6. This coach is so clueless it makes my 41 year old pewee look young and fresh. Funny thing is that im over here in the north of Sweden thinking i would do better, but anyone with a dent of hockey sense can see this. He does not know how to coach, he is so so bad at it that watching him behind the bench is painful to say the least, and above that when listening to him in post interviews you actually want to cry. He literally said yesterday that he thought mitts was a fresh add to the unit and that he played very well, that was the reason why he didnt put skinner up there. MITTS ?! And Thompsson?! no good coach would ever put these trash players on his lineup ever unless forced to. I see for exemple Reider that has showed up every game and pushed hard every shift, this guy deserves to be given a shot next to eichle and olofsson, it would give eichle and olofsson some room when he is berserking his way trough the offensive zone. But no.. If Kreuger want his system to work, then he has to show and give the players that actually TRY play his system the chance instead of playing his idiotic setups that he think would work, every team see trough his system now and the PP to, they need to change it up way more than they have and that is on Ralph alone.
  7. Ralph gets the question in post interview: - Why didnt you put skinner up there instead of mitts? "I thought mitts looked really fresh and he played very well" This cupcake coach is something else
  8. Reider haa been consistant, put him with jack and olofsson
  9. Staal again.. and ofc hutton cant close it.
  10. Cuz thats what its going to take before Ralph pulls him, he is not good and last goal was a disaster play from Hutton where he knew it was the last shot and he leaves a very bad rebound.
  11. Olofsson and Staal with 2 huge giveaways.. GET A FKN GRIP BOYS ty hutton! Great save
  12. Devils will have 4 on hutton before Ralph will realize switch.
  13. Agreed. The only thing Hutton does well is puckhandling with his stick.
  14. Not really, the shot hit hutton higher up on his chest, he could have stopped that but he chose to just chest infront of him
  15. Ffs can you hold 1 puck hutton?
  16. Mitts and Thompsson on first line, like ... i dont have words.
  17. Great GDT @jsb you da man! 💪 @Brawndo Lineup? Please.
  18. And that is the difference with a good coach and a bad coach, a good coach would have seen this ages ago. You dont put Tage Thompson on the first line, you just dont, unless your a trash coach. Period
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