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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Got it 😃 yea anyway.. SCREW RALPH!
  2. Could not agree more.
  3. Dont know who that is. Should i?
  4. Ralph is so clueless it blows my mind, hes not even talking to the players. Wow wow wow.. this might be the worst coach ive ever seen.
  5. I dont care, if Ralph diesnt get fired after this game i am done 100%
  6. Just because we disagree it doesnt mean i would disconnect my self from your opinions. I do not care one tiny bit about nationality, never would when it comes to hockey. You and i just see this completly different. Ralph cannot coach this team, he just cant and that is the problem. We can trade for any ***** players and we still gonna lose because Ralph dont know jack ***** about what he is doing. He is so bad. I hate Ralph for what he is doing to this team, and because of him we have 3 supetstars that are lost in space, together with a bunch of stars. This team need a coach, a furious coach with a mental mind way above this trash organisation. Until we have that u can go trade whatever u like, result still gonna br the same.
  7. So, We have Jack Eichle, Taylor hall and Jeff skinner. What your saying is that Victor should be traded, how on earth did u end up with that idea? Im honestly interested to hear what is going trough your mind in this case. Let me tell you one thing, trading Victor is not going to fix this team and if you dont see that well then your as lost as this team is right now.
  8. Pathetic that some of u guys want to trade the best powerplay weapon this org has had in decades. Its so stupid that it makes my ears bleed, like can you not see the problem here?! A good coach would use Victor where he is most productive. Like look at Jack, Taylor and Jeff. Look at how the team is playing, you cant fkn trade a guy just because he isnt producing under Ralph in 5v5, he has played 1 season in NHL and already broken record, that is way more worth than half of the team for god sake. Ralph is the problem and the only problem. If we had a team scoring goals, our superstars actually scoring goals, mentioning Victor then in these matters would be stupidity and you all know it.
  9. Ullmark has been trough alot lately but still shown up when its game time. Can't even imagine how it is to have your father dying and you cant even get to the hospital to say good bye. But Linus just keep improving, and his positive way of living might actually be what will save him from following this club down the drain with Ralph cupcake in the front. He might just save us all from disaster, who knows. But if we would turn this around (most unlikely with Ralph running the show), but if we somehow does Linus will be one of the reasons, hell he might even be the reason.
  10. Only way Jeff ending up with Jack is if Jack keep sucking then Ralph will be _forced_ to do radical changes, something he should have done after game 2. Such a bad coach
  11. Why would we ever want claude? Does he have a system that fits our players?
  12. You could not be more wrong. A good coach does it all.
  13. I'd say that might be one of the biggest problems with this moron. You guys are paying his salary in the end, if he would own anyone a explanation would't that be you ? dont get me wrong but id say that is what a good coach does, tell the truth to those who deserves the truth the most.
  14. Have a look at these clips, how he lives and breathes hockey and all that comes with it. This is the type of coach this org needs, a coach that the players actually respects and listen to, that is why he has been so successful. He is so good at getting under the skin of oponents. He tends to make players believe the unbelievable which in some situations is a must as a coach. 4 world championships won, second place 8 times. Now that tells you something. But obviously Pegulas dont understand jack sh1t, neither did Jason noob botter either. Now go look at what mr Ralph Kreuger has succeeded with, nothing. Yea nothing, 5 times austrian league champion in a league that is even worse than ECHL is not even worth mentioning. But yet, Pegulas hires this trash to coach a team in NHL. Pisses me off so bad. Emotions is important, specially if they actually are legit. A good coach dont eat cupcakes and talk like a primadonna after a game like Ralph does, a good coach tells the truth no matter how much it hurts.
  15. Good job lads but god is NJD bad tonight
  16. Could not agree more. This is a huge problem, but to be frank Victor never show much feelings when scoring, he always been like that and he dont like to "show off" But yes, the lack of chemistry in this group of players is insane. And that is on the sh1tcoach him self, mr totally ***** useless Ralph Kreuger. I want him gone and replaced by a real coach, will not happen though with pegulas and adams running the show.
  17. If you dont have a team around you that pushes you and makes you wanna try harder every single game, a coach that gives you the tools you need to succeed then it does not matter how talanted you really are, it's gonna fail eventually. Look at Jack Eichle, he is so lost and BAD it huuuurts, give the little one a break. His 2nd season and he is 20, if we somehow succeed in recruiting a real good coach then you will see what you like to see. Cant expect Rasmus Dahlin to play elite when the whole organisation around him is trash deluxe.
  18. They were both in the race but obviously Pegulas thought that a guy that never have won jack sh1t would be the perfect fit. Rickard is a beast, he went to NLA and the success for him just continues. Pegulas sucks.
  19. It's already brought up in other threads. Hire a coach that can coach - easy win. It's that simple really.
  20. Imagine if we only hired Rickard Gronborg instead of Ralph back when they both were beeing evaluated. FK! God *****.. and the success keeps going for him in his 2nd season now with his team. I see this team, the players we have, the FORCE we have and then we have a ***** ***** MORON wasting it all on a system a 5 year old can read without even looking. ohhhhh im so pissed
  21. Yea it really SU CKS! But if we look back, so many ppl where excited (i was not fyi) with this hire, and when he released his first statement everyeone bought into it. But we know now it was only words. In the end, the blame is on Ralph and Ralph alone now knowing the facts. Pegulas bought into Ralphs exciting act. He doesnt have what it takes, i dont even believe he understands his own system to a point where it is 100% clear for all players and therefor he cant find a way to influense the players with his system, it is obvious to me atleast. Were all different, and it takes a damn good coach to make all players think alike from tip to toe. I think they have to fire Ralph real soon if they dont start winning games because it's this season or its bon voyage.
  22. Ofc your mad, otherwize you wouldnt even watch a single game. And you should, be mad, for ever until this piece of garbage org turn this around. Will it ever happened? who knows.. We just can't keep hiring these cupcake coaches, ralph is so utterly bad that i dont even know what would be worse, even my poop is better than him. All the talant on this team is wasted because of Ralph and that's it.
  23. Listen to this post interview, just listen. His respons makes me wanna puke, these excuses that he comes up with game after game is ***** mindblowing!!!!!!!!! RALPH - YOU ARE A MORON https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloSabres/videos/1914158942065836/
  24. No this is on the coach, it is his job to make the players execute by providing knowledge, provide stability and above all confidence. Ralph is basicly happy after each loss with their play where he says that they just didnt get that last drop. He is so full of it that it would make a 5 year old coach better. DA DA DA - DA DA DA Ralph can go coach some softball team cuz he aint a good hockey coach thats for sure.
  25. Looking back at this post knowing that i would be right really sucks to be fair. Hate is a strong word but i fkn hate Ralph and his fancy cupcake words every post interview.. and this idiot makes 3,4 mill each season. God why am i so pesimistic .. sigh
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