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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Thanks for this post! We here at work are hoping to see Ullmark in goal :D
  2. +1 for that. Any news on Lehner?
  3. Jush wish he could be the difference between losing and winning ..
  4. Thanks for yet another well written thread WildCard.
  5. Ok, fair enough. Maybe if he had taken those the team could have recapitulate.
  6. How many of the goals was on Ullmark alone?
  7. Did not see the actuall game, has just been following it trough you guys and nhl.com, such a sad story regardning shots on goal vs actuall play.
  8. Crap .. On to the next game, Chad Johnsson in goal and maybe a win! looks like its the outcome of switching these goalies last 12 games
  9. Nothing comes easy i guess, god .. coach needs to mix some shait up. Maybe Lehner can be the turn around!
  10. I remember i wrote a post in the line-up thread, would be nice to see Ennis with Kane/O'riley
  11. I wish he could be the reason we won!
  12. I wish from the buttom of my heart that Linus would be the hero for this team for a couple of games in a row so this team could gain some confidence. But that does not look to happen =(
  13. Hell guys! Just arrived at work, not been able yo ser The game at all. Been tradig you posts and it looks like this gonna be a tough one to pass.
  14. In this matter, i must agree with you. But dont you think this will have a bit of different complextion of the game in the future when players and coaches are used to this type of situation ? or do you actually believe that this can ruin a game? i mean, if people get to know this rule together with players and coaches, dont you think it actually will become as known as players use suspensors? :D
  15. We all had our first! ;) This is my opinion .. I dont necessarily agree with you, maybe this is obvious for Sabres looking at challanges over the season, but to others? I must say no until told or showed otherwize. Dont know the answer to your question, but id say it sends an offensive state of mind from coach to players, to challange what he believes is wrong, most buildt on comments from players together with his own opinion, and i think this gives confidece for players overall. I do not like this challange, referees must be allowed to make misstakes, just as players, its within the game it self. We are only humans, so are our players and referees, we cannot foresee that.
  16. Beautiful points!
  17. I dont want to lose you :D No but seriously, i wasnt talking about you or anyone here specific, i was just speaking in terms of how people usually think in these typical situations.
  18. Yea i agree. I dont know Jonas Johansson at all, he plays in swedens 2nd league, i dont watch that very much. Hows life over there btw? here in Sweden its very snowy atm! :)
  19. If a good, experianced goalie has a bad game its "ok" shait happeneds right. When an untested, unexperianced young goalie has a bad game, the difference overall in the criticism tends to be easyier to apply. Its obvious, because you dont actually have anything to build facts on other than words. I would think this way, if it wasnt because i know Linus Ullmark so well as an goalie, you guys dont. But you will! :D
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