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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Yet they own us big time. That is how bad we are.
  2. This has gone to far to save this season, but it just cannot be worse to fire Ralph. Kevin is growing into becomming top 5 on worst hires of this org, wtf is he doing.
  3. This hurts my soul badly. We are DEAD last, AGAIN. Ralph, i hope that you never ever will coach a hockeyteam again. I hate you.
  4. How is he still not fired?! what is going on here, what is KA doing??? like FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a couple more... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Ralph should have been fired after the first game when he said that "it's been a long time without any hockey so i decided to not coach and let them go out there and have fun" How he wasnt fired after this just proves that KA is a bloody bad gm and a moron.
  6. Im honestly about to give up on this trash team and org.
  7. Wow.. Just wow. WE ARE SO BAD. IM SO ASHAMED
  8. This is absolut insanity. HOW CAN THIS IDIOT STILL BE COACH ... LIKE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! hate is a strong word, but frankly i HATE RALPH. K! ***** YOU RALPH, ***** YOU
  9. Why is this bum still here fk sake.
  11. Ullmark has been great thus far, he keeps growing and improving each season. He gonna be a beast one way or another.
  12. 1 period is enough for me these days, holy sht. This one is for you Ralph
  13. Hutton is so fkn bad... jesus
  14. Hahahahahahahahhaah
  15. Jack is a young man. Young men cannot be leaders unless guided to how to become such.
  16. Jack is a young man, if he doesnt have mentors guiding him to become a great captain he will eventually lose conficende in him self and that is exactly what has happed now. Period.
  17. If you have facebook please listen to this interview. OMG Last question, forward to that when the reporter brings up jacks injury and the misscoms.. lol, this bum is finished. If he doesnt get fired now i dont think there is any hope left. https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloSabres/videos/3463148057123267/
  18. LORD HEAR MY PRAYER Fire Ralph!!!
  19. Holy sh1t. Ralph has completly destroyed this team. Wow just wow. I dont think ive ever seen a team beeing so lost as they are now.. this is beyond repair.
  20. Yea i had to google it. What a sh1tshow this is.. mindblowing
  21. Remember what Ralph said after the first game this season? "I didnt coach them, i just told them to go out there and have fun" My soul is hurt, its soooo sad to see jack actually not loving this anymore, he is so done with this bullsh1t.
  22. Bring Bylsma back - lol
  23. Yea it has to happen i really dont see othee than either KA fires Ralph or they both get fired.
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