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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Holy moly, ive been missing out alot of replys, busy christmas days with traveling and living with family. You almost did it son, i'm proud of you! :D Tell me in plain text how you did it, and maybe i can find out what went "wrong" with the "landscape". And how did it taste ? Holy shait!! :D NICE! it looks awesome :worthy: , did it taste as good as it looks?? Wow, well done Sir, my pleasure! Did you use white wheatmeal(flour) ?, im just curious because its so brownish, if you compare to wjags picture. The actuall looks doesnt really matter aslong as the result end up beeing tasty as fuwk. I bow to your comitment ! :worthy: It looks nice, but different in colors, im wondering if your wheatmeal(flour) is different from ours? i doubt it though. How did it taste? well done! so awesome how you guys put your efforts into making this, much love :wub: Thanks bud!! merry christmas to you! :D Ehr, haha.. i have never even thought of that to be honest, but hey, why not! :D :P This is the way an chef comes up with the most beautiful and tasteful dishes you know!
  2. Hey bud, merry christmas :) It stay fresh for atleast 3-4 days sealed up in a box. But should always be eaten warmed up, and dont warm it up in microwave, much more crispy if you heat it up in ur oven. Icecream is supernice to it, add a littlebit of rasberryjam to it aswell and always drink cold milk to it
  3. The actuall 'U' needs to be transformed from beeing used with 'Y' in the beginning, "Yuuu", to beeing said without the 'Y', and us needs to be said without Ahhhs.. uuhhs.. us. :D its very hard haha
  4. Nice, can't wait for the pictures to come online! :)
  5. Oh and by the way, i found an video i dont think Linus know is out there, but yea its a small clip where some friends of Linus takes him out for pike-fishing in the winter, the end i leave for Ullmark to speak for. hahaha Enjoy :doh: :nana:
  6. Let's make it to Playoffs, and ill come over, we find a nice pub, order some nice beer and ill teach you one and another about Swedish :P
  7. Haha =) Well, noone said it would be easy, either way.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6XCbvt2Cts
  9. Allright guys, Time for MODO Hockey Swedish school. Get your beer, sit down, close doors and windows, pull down curtains and prepair!
  10. Yea thats great news! He doesnt know all players yet either (nmy teams), when he does i'm confident he will be the reason between a loss and a win when team is not sticking to gameplan. I just took an sauna after work, been working night all weekend and im off now for monday and tuesday, shait that there is no more game until the 28th! :(
  11. LOL. Ur to funny =)
  12. Haha, i like your enthusiasm :flirt: I'll upload an soundrecordning of the actuall pronoucement of Linus Ullmark in Swedish, when i find the time.
  13. Cheers bud! Skål kompis! Thanks! santa brining the big sack of presents for you this year :D Haha, Can't wait!!! :D awesome! Enjoy the holidays my friend.
  14. Good question, hmm..its like the actuall chineese 'Li', but i guess Lee works fine to, nus though is the hard part :P there is no actuall english word that has the correct pronounce for nus. Same for Ullmark with the 'U'. When you pronouce it in english it sounds for us like ur using the O instead of U. Ill record it and post it for ya :D
  15. I am sooo disappointed right now. Slamed the table so the coffeecups went to . :wallbash:
  16. Same to you !
  17. So ... sooo... sick. God fuwking da-mnit.
  18. FKN SHAIT!
  19. christ .............
  20. OMFG!!! 3 vs 5 :wallbash: :wallbash:
  21. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!! GOAL! ROR!! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  22. Heh, 2016 ofc ;)
  23. Guys, how much does playoff tickets cost ? (talking pretty good seats, not on the highest row.. ) Does the tickets rise in price depening on how far team goes in the playoffs?
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