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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Ennis is all lost this pp..
  2. HERE WE GO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<---
  3. Toronto wanted him over, and when NHL steps in, SHL can't say or do shait. :D
  4. So far, so good. Real nice paced period, love it.
  5. Damn, Wish i was at this game. Its gonna be fast paced i believe, im fkn nervous.
  6. They have some players playing an uggly game though, The hit on William Nylander was pretty damn raw.
  7. You at the actuall game i suppose?
  8. He did good, and he scored the only goal. These two brothers are very talanted players, we had William in MODO, he was awsome, no wonder he leads the AHL in points.
  9. Tonights game is going to be one of if not the toughest game of the year. Washington has 7 str8 wins, holy . Ullmark will need to be out of this world tonight.
  10. Yeah, he has an very bright future. 39 saves, some of them incredible. Linus Soderstrom is playing in Allsvenskan, Swedens "AHL", 2nd league.
  11. Hello, Love this hockey so much, their spirit is a beauty to watch. It should allways be played in Canada though, its amazing for these young players to be playing infront of 18-20k ppl. Keep an eye on: 16 Carl Grundström MODO Hockey This guy has some nice speed and hands!
  12. :worthy: . NICE!!! yeeeeaah baby!
  13. Yes sir i have! Chad had another great game. Eichle was awesome, that actuall snipe on the scate was amazing, ROR is a beauty to watch as always, this guy never gives up!! ROR's spirit is contagious on the team. Ennis had a great game to! SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!
  14. It amazes me aswell my friend, the actuall "let's do this"- spirit here is awesome by far! I am greatful. Can't wait!! :) +1 hahahaha .. still laughing :D Thanks bud! :) I thought all ovens had this option? Never seen one without. But obviously im wrong :D Hey wc, much appreciated! :) Yea your right as always my friend, the spirit on this forum is so lovley! :)
  15. Hahaha .. you just made my day sir!! Oh my god, ok so lets get real. Well done, your phat panny looks exactly like it should. 10 out 10!! How was the taste? I laughed so hard to your previous post that i missed out on this one. :D Good to hear, very well done!!!! About the time, i guess it depends on the ovens we all have and the difference between them, the important thing is the degrees 400 F and heating from both up and down, all ovens should have this option i believe. Once again, superb my friend! WOW!! You nailed it sir, fuwkin beautiful! Niiiiiiiice!! :D im so happy right now. Much love!
  16. What a beauty to wake up to. GO SABRES!!!!!
  17. Phat pannys round 2 incomming in about 30 mins.. :D Allright, 4-6 eggs (i use 6 because i like the eggish taste of the panny) 1 liter of milk, 3 % fat 1 teespoon of salt 1 or 2 normal spoons of sugar (do not use more sugar) 5 decilitres of wheatmeal, wheatfloor, white color, used for baking bread etc. So, Put the oven on 400 degrees farenheit (200 celcius) and wait until the oven reaches this temp, and be sure to put the oven with heat from below and above, and do NOT use the actuall fan if u have one. Butter up the plate real good, all edges so the panny doest get stuck to the plate when finished http://imgur.com/ARTbrOF First whip the eggs real good until it starts to be fluffy bubbles as on picture http://imgur.com/25Exqkl Add 1 liter of milk (3 % fat), and mix it together with the eggs, together with the salt and sugar, 20 seconds of whipping. After this, add 5 decilitres of wheatflour/wheatmeal, white, used for baking bread and shait. Dont add it all at once, take half and whip it good, then add the rest. Whip this real good, push the whipper to the edges and crush any flourlumbs, to make it real smooth. Put it in the lower part of the oven, not lowest, but otherwise the fluffy hills might reach the top of the oven. 30 mins should do the trick, mine took 30 mins. You can add a couple of extra mins if you want more color to it, i like it as it is. The actuall Lingonberry jam isnt important eventhough its the most famous one beeing eaten to phat pannys here in Sweden. Raspberry jam works supernice, or whatever jam you like i believe. I tend to put on butter and let it melt over the panny when placed on my plate, and then pore some jam over it, that taste together with cold milk is lovley. Otherwize try whipcream/icecream or whatever you enjoy to pannys, kids love this stuff.
  18. Man, You blow me away, your just beutiful. What an amazing post!! just wow :wub: :worthy: Merry Christmas to you!
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